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How NOT to Catch a Leprechaun!

Wooowheeeee, what a fun week! We celebrated Pi Day as well as St Patrick's Day! We are officially full of pie and the shenanigans of a tricky little leprechaun.

For Pi Day, my workplace had fun games and treats available. There was pie pong (think beer pong, but with pie plates of pie filling was really messy!) and timed math tests (not as much fun to watch...and it worked its way into my dream the next night where I had a dream that I was forced to take a timed math test when I dropped Ava off for school!) And then there was the super messy game of filling up pie tins with whipped cream, and digging through it to find magnetic letters...first team to spell PI won!

I didn't actively participate in the games, as I was too busy munching on a Moon Pie (yum, haven't had one of those in years!) And the next day, my co-worker brought in blueberry pie from a place up north - it was probably the best pie I have ever tasted!

G has had a super fun week trying to catch a leprechaun at daycare as well as at home. That little trickster is sneaky AND messy, though. He made big messes at daycare and much smaller messes here, and he took all of our gold! G was determined, and a little teary-eyed, to catch him. He built the trap and Ava enhanced it with lots of tape, in an effort to stick the leprechaun to the pot of gold. But he was just too sneaky! Turns out that he's not all bad...last night, on St Patrick's Day Eve (is that a thing??) he brought back all of the gold that he took, and even left his hat behind for G to keep.

Ava's observation is that the leprechaun has handwriting that is similar to the way her handwriting looked when she was in 1st grade. Looks like he could work on his penmanship!

Attempting to lure the leprechaun in with a sign for "Free Gold", with a ladder and a pot of gold at the bottom...

Instead, he left a pile of confetti for ME to clean up!

And a note that says, "Ha ha! You can't catch me!"

G was NOT amused.

So the next night, the kids put tape all over the pot of gold, but the little guy took the whole thing instead...and left ANOTHER mess. This time it's silver glitter. What a stinker!

And he's a bit snarky...his note reads, "Tape can't hold me!" and "p.s. Thanks for the gold!" At least he has some manners?

Turns out he is partially ok - look what he brought back, plus a hat for G! But, he still didn't clean up the mess. Jerk.

The final note reads, "Happy St Patrick's Day! p.s. I felt bad taking the gold so I'm giving it back. Do you like my hat?"

Scott and I also managed to sneak in a two-hour happy hour on Friday afternoon. I left work a bit early, and we were able to hang out at an Irish pub in town. It was loud and I can only imagine how crazy it was going to be this weekend.

He was sad that his beer was empty!

Problem solved - a fresh beer was delivered!

On Saturday, the kids and I headed up to a co-worker's house in Blaine for a get together. The company was nice, the food was yummy, and little G was completely out of control. More than once, people commented that they wished they had his energy. Me too, friends, me too...

G and Ava had fun playing with my co-worker's 4-month old golden retriever. Benji and G have the same amount of energy, and they're about the same size. Benji really liked G and was trying to lick his ears and nibble on his hair. G wasn't so sure he liked that. Ha!

Scott's making a corned beef brisket today, along with cabbage, and colcannon potatoes. We won't have green beer, but I'm hoping that my parents bring something green for dessert! We're looking forward to enjoying a traditional dinner with family, and catching up since it's been so busy lately.

Love G's doughnut!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


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