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Oktoberfest 2024

The RHS Band Oktoberfest was a success last weekend! It was fun helping with setup, and then when my family showed up for lunch, I was able to wrap it up and join them to eat. The customers really started to pour in once the Vikings game ended, so it'll be interesting to hear how much money was brought in. Our family didn't win any of the silent auction baskets, but that's okay. I'm also happy that people bid on the German basket that the trumpet group made...I was a little worried that no one would be interested. I'm curious what it eventually went for, but...I suppose I'll never know!

Ava's been very busy this week with school, work, and rehearsals. On Saturday, the RHSMB is off to US Bank Stadium to play at Youth in Music (Minnesota's state championships for high school marching bands.) My parents, Deb, and I are all looking forward to cheering on the Irish!

G and I volunteered at his elementary school on Friday afternoon. Their fall fundraiser is taking place, and the Fun Run is happening on Tuesday. G and I helped to sort out and bag t-shirts for ALL of the participants. It was a fun way to give back to his school. I feel like I very rarely volunteer there, and spend most of my time at RHS. Ironically, after we were done helping with the t-shirts, G and I headed to RHS to enjoy some of the leftover food from the Oktoberfest fundraiser. What an easy way to enjoy a Friday dinner!

G says thank you to all who donated to his Fun Run!

For funsies, I baked a pie (no, I didn't make it, but I baked it...that counts, right??)

After MANY years of not losing teeth, now G has a bunch of loose ones. His dentist advised this is perfectly normally, so I'd expect the rest to fall out in the next few years. I guess our baby is really growing up!

He lost a tooth this past week!

Can't wait to report back on the RHSMB performance from this weekend. Hoping that they amaze and delight the judges, once again!


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