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Pumpkins Pumpkins Everywhere!

The RHSMB did it! Last week in Waukee for the Bands of America Regional event, they placed first in their class (3A), and then advanced to finals where they defended their regional champion title. For two years in a row, they hit their goals. There's still plenty of work to do before the BOA Super Regional in St Louis, as well as Grand Nationals in Indy, but we are so proud of how hard these kids work to get to where they are today!

What else did we do? Two nights of MB rehearsal, one evening at a local high school with a friend watching a hilarious rendition of "Clue", two evenings of Ava working her job at the childcare center, one evening spent watching the VP debate with my neighborhood friends, one perfect night spent walking through the Jack O'Lantern Spectacular at the Minnesota Zoo, one night performing for the varsity football game, one afternoon with an intense meeting in the office, three different dr appts getting vaccines for me, Ava, and G, plus wrapping up the shopping and assembly of the silent auction basket from the trumpet section (German-themed.) I missed a few things, but you get the idea - there wasn't any down time for us!

Plus, G and I were super busy last weekend with shopping and errands on the west side of the cities, Ava was up for 24 hours straight for the BOA competition, and I was the chauffeur for the morning drop off at the high school on Saturday, and the pick up (5am!) on Sunday morning. Ava also came home from the competition having troubles breathing so we did a virtual dr appt and picked up steroids and an inhaler for her on Sunday after she got home. (She's fine now, still a little stuffy.)

And of course there was the myriad of normal meetings and issues that arise when working in the IT field. Plus, Scott was gone last weekend, and then had a very full week, working 10+ hour days.

The kids didn't have school on Friday, and I only had a few meetings, so I was able to tackle my long to-do list at work, and then logged off feeling like I was at a good point to start the weekend.

Besides Ava playing at the game, we had an easy Friday night at home, and are planning on repeating that on Saturday night. Sunday will be busy setting up/working at the RHS Band Oktoberfest fundraiser event at a local winery. Should be a fun day!

Fun night with Kristin B at EHS!

My German basket creation, and the little gnome!

The RHSMB junior and senior brass players were selected to play the National Anthem at the beginning of finals. Ava is in the first row, right on the 50 yard line.

Relaxing at the Zoo

We splurged on mini donuts for the walk to the pumpkins and they were SO good!

Blast Off!


80's toys

Equestrian Snoop Dogg

Five Nights at Freddy's

Among Us


Loon - the MN state bird

I love love love the person in the background...and the ghost on Ava's shoulder!

Aaron and Ava, ready for the Pink Out football game!

We're looking forward to the rest of this weekend! Even though we are super busy, and I'm exhausted most days/nights, I'm so happy to have my family with me, and living our lives to the fullest!


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