The kids were at home with me for the entire week, enjoying their last week before school starts. Hard to believe in a few days we will have a 7th and a 1st grader. On Wednesday, Ava and I went to the middle school and met all of her teachers...I thought it was important to meet them since she chose to do distance learning. At least they can see that she made an effort.
Also on Wednesday (big school day for us!) G went in for his 1st grade assessment and we ran into some friends from preschool there, as well as our neighbors. It was a very chatty hour at Red Pine! On Thursday, he went in to continue his testing with the school psychologist and the special ed teacher. He did great and the psychologist told me that he may not receive a diagnosis, and we might not be eligible for any extra help. I'm totally cool with that, as their suspicion of ADHD last year just didn't feel right to me. Scott and I maintain that his biggest issue is controlling his feelings, and he gives up on things too quickly. These are things that we're working on at home, and I can see an improvement since last's possible that he's just growing out of those impulses. I hope.
Ava had a sleepover with a friend on Saturday night, and Scott was working all day on Saturday, so G and I packed up and headed west to meet up with one of my college friends. We had a great time at Sever's. She had her three boys there, as well as two of the neighbor boys, so there were SIX boys to watch after. Good thing Ava didn't come with us!
It was awesome catching up with Angie and seeing all of our boys play together. I'm so proud of how well-behaved G was. He really did a fantastic job listening to me and following directions.
It was a great way to say good-bye to summer and to usher in a new cooler fall season!