Over the last few weeks, my workload has increased quite a bit. I'm finding that I am in so many meetings during the day that I can't get to my work, plus I still have to act as G's Kindergarten teacher all day long. It's getting very difficult to manage everything and I'm beginning to feel a bit panicked that I can't handle it all.
This coming Monday, I'm in meetings 9-4, with no break for lunch. G and I devised a plan that we would try to get his schoolwork underway around 7am, and then anything remaining that he needs help with (which is everything) will have to be done on Monday night. My mental health is not faring well right now, and that worries me.
But, on the bright side, Ava is doing really well in school. She continues to keep on top of her classes and is getting great grades. She's participating in her anime class, even though I still have to push her a bit to post her drawings so the teacher can review them. We're hoping to hear if her summer camp up north will happen next month. I'd like to see her go, but I'm worried about how they will be able to keep it safe, and still fun, for the campers. I guess we'll see how it all pans out.
G is doing okay...he has one more appointment with his therapist before she goes on maternity leave next month, and then we're going to take a break. The tablet with the breathing awareness/cooling down games arrived this past week, and he's been having fun playing it. He fully understands why he's playing, and enjoys watching his heart rate in the game. He is able to successfully cool down through breathing. The idea is that these are skills he can put towards real-life situations.
We had another classroom material pick-up for him on Thursday night at his elementary school. His teacher was there, so it was a great chance for G to see her (and the principal/vice principal,) while I had a chance to chat with her about how things are going. I also expressed my appreciation for the job she is doing, and told her that I REALLY hope that the kids can go back to school this fall.
Scott has been busy with work, his side jobs, and working on building the bar in the basement. He spent a few hours on Friday night putting the bricks on the front of the bar. There are definite advantages to working for a construction company, as he was able to track down a nice option at a very good price. We're both excited at how the basement family room is coming together, and have spent several evening hours down there during the past few weeks. It's going to be really cozy during the winter, and is a great place for the kids to go when there's other stuff going on in the house. For example, our cleaning lady came on Monday...the kids stayed in the basement, and kept out of her way. It all worked out well, even though I was really apprehensive about having someone else in our house. But, oh, it was nice to have the house clean, without me having to do it!
This is a special weekend as it's Mother's Day! To my mom, thank you for everything that you have done for me over the last 44 years...you are a dear friend, and I can't wait until we can spend more time together, instead of quick chats at 6' apart! I love you so much!!
And for Scott's mom, thank you for raising a good man, who insists on treating his family and friends with so much generosity. I am lucky to have married into a family where I inherited such a wonderful mother-in-law. We love you!
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, but especially ours!