This was the first full week of summer vacation, and the kids were havin' fun! G was at Summer Power for the full week...he made some new friends, played with old ones, went to a fun park, and even headed to the Minnesota Zoo on Friday. He's happy to be at his "home" school for the summer, and we're all pleased that it's the same staff that he's with during the school year, as well.
Ava had fun with one of her BFFs on Monday and Tuesday...they went shopping, did artsy stuff, and had a sleepover. Both of their boyfriends are on vacation, so it was fantastic that they had so much time to spend together. Gotta make sure they make time for friends, and not just their boyfriends!
We even fired up the table for (crispy) s'mores last weekend!
Both kids earned their 3rd stripe on their purple belt for TKD on Monday night, and Ava went to the first sectional for marching band. Ava also went to her FINAL retainer check...we are officially done with ortho work for Ava! She had been going to the same location since 3rd grade, doing initial annual checks, and then finally getting Invisalign and retainers. I'm sure we'll be starting with G in a few years, but it feels good to know that at least one kid is done! We were able to celebrate with Caribou, and brought Pria a pup cup so she could enjoy, too.
G and I went to the movies on Friday night. We saw Inside Out 2...what an emotional movie. Literally. It was really good, and explained anxiety in such a way that kids could understand what it is, and how it impacts their decisions and belief in themselves. It was a mentally exhausting end to a busy work week.
This upcoming week is going to be nutso. It's Father's Day (yay, love you dads!), Ava's 16th birthday on Tuesday (send good vibes for her to pass her drivers test at 11am - we're headed to Mankato!), and then I leave for Savannah on Thursday morning with two friends, and Ava and Pria head to Grandma Deb's for a fun weekend at Back to the 50's. Scott and G's plans are up in the air currently, but I'm sure they'll enjoy it, no matter what!
I'll be taking a one-week break from the blog since next weekend is going to be busy, so stay tuned for an update in a few weeks. In the meantime, enjoy the last few weeks of June (what?? already??)