Usually I focus on the kids in my blog posts, but today, I'd like to take a look at Scott's facial hair. He usually has a full beard, but the other day he decided he was tired of it tickling his mouth when he ate or drank anything. In the past, he has surprised us with going fully clean-shaven (I don't think any of us like that), but this time, he decided to jazz it up a bit, and shaved it down to some really long sideburns and a 70's 'stache. For some crazy reason, we all think the look works for him. What do you think?
Now, about those kids...there's not much that's new. Ava completed her last baton class for the season on Tuesday, and while we thought she was done for a while, it turns out that another girl in the class wants to do a duet, and Ava volunteered to do that with her. We're just waiting on getting the info from the other girl to determine when they can start practicing. Even better...Ava made a comment that she'd like to be friends with this girl, so I think that's great! Since Ava has been at home for the full school year, she hasn't had much of a chance to meet new friends, so if she meets someone she wants to hang out with, we will jump on that chance.
Ava was snuggled into a blanket on a chilly day this week
G and I had a normal week...nothing too exciting to mention. We're right in the middle of a long weekend, which we all needed. My parents came over for most of the day on Saturday, so it was great to spend that time with them. My dad and Scott worked on the 2nd deck, and my mom and I organized and went through my clothes. I feel about 50 lbs lighter (from clothes being taken out of the closet) and I think my mom took about 20 lbs of those clothes home to her closet! It's always good to pass clothes on so someone else can love them, too.
So glad we still have a few days left in the weekend. Happy Memorial Day!