I think the warmer weather is finally here! We've had a somewhat chilly May, like many-degrees-below-average-temps chilly. Brrrrr! The kids gave me my favorite hanging plants for Mother's Day (it's a tradition...the dipladenias/mandevillas bring in the hummingbirds!) I was a bit worried that I was going to need to bring them in, but the overnight lows only got down to 38 or so. But still...brrrr!
My new mug...another great gift for Mother's Day! Plus, G built me that little vase of flowers out of Legos :)
G has been taking walks with a teacher during school and has been telling us about the goldfish and turtles he has seen in the two ponds that are right on/by the school property. I told him that on Saturday, we'd head over to his school, look for the fish and turtles, and take some time to play on the playground. We had so much fun! The weather was in the low 70's and sunny, and there was barely anyone else there. It was wonderful to be outside, getting fresh air and exercise, and getting to spend a little 1:1 time with G.
We rounded off the trip with a surprise visit to DQ to bring treats home for the family. Scott's been busy prepping for a new deck outside of our garage, and Ava has been busy gaming with some friends. It seemed like a yummy way to celebrate the warmer weather.
Earlier this week, the kids were playing incredibly well together. It doesn't happen often, so I had to capture the crazy game they were playing. They lined up many of G's stuffies at the top of the stairs, and then Ava did an announcement for the "race" as they went flying down the stairs. It kept them happily occupied for at least 45 minutes. I call that a win!
Ava was using Caterpillar to send another stuffy down the stairs...ha!
We're looking forward to another great weekend with the family. The kids are growing up so fast and I'm trying to slow down and enjoy every moment together.