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Tractors and Twirls

What a surprise, another busy week! It feels like we really are on a countdown to the holidays as I've already booked tickets to see The Nutcracker with my parents and Ava, picked out a date to make Christmas treats, and have decided that we MUST decorate next weekend for Christmas, or we'll run out of time to do it. It's all happening so quickly. Yikes!

G had a fun week at school. They celebrated the 50th day of school by dressing like they were in the '50's. They even enjoyed root beer floats! He also had a super fun playdate at his "brother's" house on Saturday. Ben, his little buddy from daycare, have been calling each other "brother" for years. It's pretty cute! He also had another request for a playdate this coming week. Even with his behavioral issues, I'm glad that he still has friends. He even told me this week that he has a girlfriend, and they they like each other. Ummm. And, unbeknownst to me, I met her (Julia) on Friday night when they gave each other a big hug at Barnes & Noble (we were there for a fundraiser for his school.) Super cute encounter, but...let's keep it all platonic, kid!

G went in for his 6-year well child visit, and turns out he's tall and skinny, but...we knew that. Anyone with eyeballs would know that. He also had the joy of getting a flu shot AND a wart frozen off. Needless to say, it was a bit of a traumatic experience at the doctor, but he'll recover.

We also dragged Ava along so she could get her flu shot, as well. The exam room was packed with the full Goers family in place. :)

Ava had a baton competition yesterday, so we spent several hours watching individual twirlers and teams competing. We'd like to see Ava apply herself more and practice, as during their routine, she's in the middle of a circle doing a move with all eyes on her. She can do it, I know she can! After twirling, we headed to the library to feed her book addiction. I had to cut her off at 10 books this time. She's big into Japanese mangas right now. Whatever keeps her off of her phone is fine with me!

Just a few of the girls on her baton team

 We're nearing the end of our Marvel movie adventure. Last night we watched Avengers: Infinity War. Scott and I stayed awake for all of it (a miracle considering how long it is), G pooped out about halfway through, and Ava left to read in her room. I bet everyone (but me) will be so happy when we're done. (Although, we're never really done, are we?! They just keep making movies, hooray!)

He ended up cuddling with my slippers and socks. Haha!

On Thursday night, I attended a really good PTO meeting and then an even better book club event. I am so happy to be gathering with neighborhood women on a regular basis. It's good to have friends in the neighborhood! We finished reading/discussing "The Great Alone" and the next book will be "Catch and Kill". On my own, I just finished reading "The Power" last night. I'm so glad to be able to get back into reading, as I love it so much. Plus, being in a book club is encouraging me to read outside of my normal genre. But never fear, I have several chick lit books in my queue for the local library. :)

For Giving Week, my company also brought in three different organizations this week where we could volunteer our time. On Monday, I made fleece blankets for incoming animal patients for Mission Animal Hospital (non-profit vet care) and on Wednesday, I helped to pack dental kits for the Adopt-a-Smile program (oral healthcare for patients who may not have easier access to it.) It feels great to give back!

Scott decided not to go out of town this weekend, so he's spent some time getting the garage re-organized so the tractor can fit into the 3rd stall. He, G, and my dad had some much fun riding it around the neighborhood last Sunday. I still can't believe we have a suburbia.

Today, my mom and I are heading to a HUGE craft fair in the cities. Most of my Christmas shopping is done, but I'm looking forward to seeing what new items the vendors have this year. Plus, I get to spend quality time with my mom, and that is priceless!


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