Last year I remember being overjoyed that our last snowfall came in March. A few years ago, we had a snowstorm in early May. I'm not sure why I'm so surprised that we are still getting snow in April. And there are at least two more snow storms in the forecast for the coming week. I didn't even mind the snow storm (that closed school!) this past Tuesday until I realized that everyone else was really irritated by the lingering winter. People have dubbed this season as "Sprinter"...Winter + Spring.
My thought is that if it snows, it won't stick around long. The ground has warmed up enough, and the sun is stronger and brighter during the days it's only a short time that the white stuff sticks to the ground. I'm used to rain on my birthday, so I'm okay with long as it doesn't turn to snow. Come on, Mother Nature, you've got two more weeks to get this back on track!
We had a weird schedule this past week...we had a snow day on Tuesday, cancelled baton class due to the snowfall, I worked at home on Wednesday, and G got sent home sick on Thursday late morning, which means he couldn't go back to daycare until noon on Friday. I had an early intense meeting on Friday that I had to take from home...with a sick child lurking in the background. The entire work week felt off, and I'm not sure I accomplished very much during that time. Luckily (?) I was able to work for several hours on Saturday afternoon and feel like I got things back on track. I don't enjoy working on my weekends, but this will allow me to start the work week with a clear idea of what needs to get done!
G surrounded me with his five puppy dogs while I was working at home on Friday morning
We finally cracked open some of the Easter eggs and they are fabulous! My hard-boiled eggs never turn out quite right (biggest culprit is the gray around the yolk) but these are perfect! There isn't any gray, the texture is exactly as it should be, and they are easy to peel. I need to give props to my friend Ryan for giving me the exact method to use for boiling eggs. We've had so many "nerdy egg talks" in the last week or so, that we actually scared someone away from joining us at a work event on Thursday afternoon. Ha!
Ava's trumpet is ready to go for her summer band lessons! It's been checked out by a music store, approved to play, and we've greased up those valves! I tried it out yesterday and Ava told me it was loud. This will be fun!
G is feeling much better...the bug only stuck around for the morning bouts of sickness at daycare, and he's been fine ever since. On the snow day we ended up watching the Netflix remake of Benji, and last night watched E.T. I didn't realize that both of these movies would have me in tears, multiple times throughout the shows. I don't recall them being that sad when I was little! Ava has decided she doesn't want to watch sad movies anymore, and I can't say that I blame her!
The sun is shining right now, but we're counting down the hours until the snow starts to fly. We don't have any plans this afternoon, so we should be able to take it easy and enjoy some good family time, too!