We have such a little smarty pants. According to Ava, "wi-fi" could also stand for wizard-fiction. And if that's the case, we are definitely surrounded by wi-fi! Note: this is not a post about alternates to the traditional wi-fi! On the way to dinner last night, we were discussing Harry Potter; I have finished up the fourth book and Ava's still working on the first one. I have all of the movies, just waiting for us to watch them...and it's been driving me nuts to be so patient! My goal was that I would read the book before watching the corresponding movie (no issue,) but then Ava got into it, so I felt compelled to wait until she was through the book, too. She always has several different books that she's reading at one time, so this is taking her a long while to get through. Yesterday, I decided to proceed with the movie watching. We had to break it into a few different session, due to the length, but even G stopped playing with his cars at certain momen...
"Siblings...like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."