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Happy Halloween, Threenager!

What a super busy last 216 hours! If you recall, last weekend we had two Halloween parties (FUN and FUN!), two birthday dinners for G (YUMMY and AWESOME!), pumpkin decorating/carving, and also some leaf-diving.  That led into Halloween-day festivities, and then an evening full of Trick-or-Treating around the 'hood.  On Tuesday night, G had his three-year check up (all is well, and apparently he's on the short & fat side of things.  That's a first for either of our kids!  I'm sure he'll lengthen out soon...his weight is 50% percentile, so he's not really fat...) 

On Wednesday night, I went to Ava's school conference...she's doing fabulously!  Her reading level is already beyond where it needs to be at the END of 3rd grade.  She listens in class, focuses on her assignments, and plays very well with the other kids.  I specifically asked if she talks too much in class, and the answer was no, she's actually a bit reserved. Shocker!  Her teacher said that she is so delighted to have her in class.  We are so proud of Ava and how well she is doing in school!

Playing in the leaves

I think G shoved some leaves down her jacket...

In addition to carving, we decorated a few pumpkins.  Ava's is a pretty skeleton, while G's is a multi-eyed monster!


I went with a simple design for G's pumpkin, while Ava created a funny face.  Scott didn't think it was too fun to carve,!

My little firefighter and pretty panda had a great time begging for candy...

This is just Ava's pile...checked out the five full-sized items on the right. One of her friend's parents held back a big candybar, waiting for Ava to come to the door.  WOW!

Enjoying G's birthday dinner with both sets of grandparents and G's godmother, Emilie!

I can't believe he's THREE!!

Cupcake on a stick...why not?!

Ava was so sweet....she pulled $5 out of her piggy bank to give to G for her gift.  Here, she's reading the card to him, and then accepting his thankful squeeze.  LOVE...

G was very precise in opening his was like watching my Grandma...

Thursday night was a late work night for me, and then on Friday, I got a call (at the end of the day) that G had a fever, and he needed to be picked up.  He seemed a little off, but I never measured his temp above 99, so I'm not sure what was going on at daycare.  We took it easy on Friday night, and he ended up sleeping in until after 8am on Saturday.  I packed up the kids and took them to the clinic for their annual flu shot, but since G wasn't feeling 100%, I postponed getting his.  That was a good, as it took THREE adults to get Ava to calm down enough for hers.  She completely psyched herself out and had a panic attack in the office. I tried to explain to her how much worse it is to get the flu, but that common sense didn't sink in.  Oh well. In the end, she got it, but it wasn't pretty!

G had an overnight date on Saturday with Grandma Deb and Grandpa Whitey, and he seemed up to it, so off he went with Grandma Deb at 10am.  They headed to a local craft show, while Ava and I took advantage of the early voting at our city hall.  It was neat to be able to explain the voting process to her, plus, now I don't need to worry about rushing through traffic to make my voice heard on Tuesday night.  Praying for the only positive outcome in this election!  Ava proudly wore the "I voted" sticker (and loudly told people who I voted for)...she then got into a verbal disagreement with a little boy whose parents clearly want the other candidate to win. It's never too early to teach my girl to stand up for herself!

After voting, Ava I checked out a park near city hall, and walked on a beautiful trail in the area. We were having fun enjoying the amazing and warm November sunshine, so it was easy to postpone getting started on our other tasks for the day.  Yesterday afternoon, I did manage to remove all of the summer flowers, and only have two hanging plants and mums left.  They're still blooming, so we might as well enjoy them for another week or so.  I can't believe it's Nov 6, and it's 63 and gorgeous outside!

Yesterday at 3pm, my friend Tina picked us up, and we headed into Wisconsin for a pre-holiday party at our friend's house.  Ava had a great time with the kids at the party, and Tina and I had fun catching up, enjoying the sunshine, eating great food, sitting by the bonfire, and meeting new friends. We didn't get home until 10:30pm, and Ava and I immediately went to bed.  I tried to watch SNL, but didn't even make it through one skit. Lucky was really confused with the time change this morning, but I still managed to sleep in for a bit.

Ava and I were supposed to join a neighbor and friends for a brunch this morning in North Minneapolis, but I decided to cancel and do a mom-daughter breakfast at IHOP instead.  I don't know if I've ever had breakfast out JUST with Ava, so it was a special treat.  We had a great time playing the menu games, and enjoying some delish pancakes.  After that, we decided to hit up a few stores, and I even managed to get a Christmas present purchased for Scott!  I swore Ava to secrecy...hopefully she'll keep her mouth shut. :)  We also bought a jacket for George, our elf, as a "welcome back" gift...he'll be back after Thanksgiving!

We're waiting for Scott to get home (no deer this weekend) so our little family can all be back together again.  Scott's picking up G on his way, and I can't wait to see both of my boys again.

I'm going to work a bit in the yard this afternoon, and catch up on a few things around the house.  It's been such a busy 9 days that I desperately need some down time!


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