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We had some unexpected time off of work this week...our daycare provider's 7-year old son got RSV, and that's really, REALLY bad news for little ones under the age of one.  To help protect our little guy, Scott ended up taking Thursday off of work, and I stayed home with G on Friday.  It's getting easier and easier NOT to check my work email when I have a day off.  I worked some really long days leading up to Friday, so I was happy to take a break at the end of this week.  Plus, it was an awesome bonus to get to spend another weekday with my little man!  And, I even had a chance to make a white chili for Friday's dinner - I've had this recipe for a while, and the snowy Friday at home was a wonderful opportunity to try it out.  We all was yummy!

Honestly, this week was a blur...we had great weather last Sunday, and then ended with a gross snowstorm on Thursday night.  At least the ground is warm enough that snow doesn't stick around like it was a few months ago.  Our south-facing driveway and front yard have very little snow left on them.  Just lots of dirt and mud.  We've been throwing around landscaping ideas for the front yard and decor for the porch.  We're getting excited to get outside and make things pretty.  For the back yard, we know we need to put in a multi-level retaining wall outside our service door, but this year, we're going to probably just put in sod throughout the yard.  We'd like to put in a garden at the back of the lot, and Scott had mentioned planting a few different kind of trees.  Plus a deck - we need to get a design made and priced out.

So many ideas...but one thing at a time, I guess!  We'll see what gets accomplished this year. :)

Each month, Ava has a goal of reading a set amount of books.  Every time she meets that goal, she gets a coupon for a personal pan pizza at Pizza Hut, so on Saturday night, we finally went and cashed one in.  After the long nights I had this week, it was great to eat as a family.  On our drive to dinner, Ava kept reading off the signs that we were passing.  I'm just so proud of her and well she's doing with reading!

On Sunday, we're planning a trip to the zoo to see the farm babies.  We're going to meet up with my friend Amy and her daughters Kelsi and should be a great time!  I think we're going to invest in a family membership to the zoo, so we can go for short trips this summer, whenever we have a chance.  We live only about 10 minutes away, so it seems like a wise investment.

Note:  We had a GREAT time at the zoo today!  The farm babies are so cute, and it was a great way for the three girls to burn off some excess energy.  And then we took them to Culver's where they ate enough sugar to replenish their energy tanks. :)  I also had the chance to see a friend who works at the zoo...I met Dawn when she and I were in the same Mommy & Me class, almost 6 years ago!  She works at the farm part out at the zoo, so it was really neat to run into her there.  It's been a long time since I've seen her!

Kelsi and Ava


Not quite tall enough...

Getting ready to watch Lola, the cow, be milked.  Reminded me :)

On the way home from the zoo, we stopped at the library where we (Ava and me) both got new library cards.  We're settling into our new home here...and I love it!  Ava told me that today was a wonderful day...and I have to agree.  It's been pretty great so far!


Megan said…
Fun fact - when they first started the farm animals thing at the zoo they bought a couple of cows from Erik's parents farm. I think they used to have record about there of the animals they've had so that's kind of cool. Not sure of they still have any that would trace back to those cows but if they had any Ayrshires (they're red& white) its a good chance they would!

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