I'm having a hard time believing that the kids go back to school in a few weeks. This summer has flown by! I love, love, love the month of May, when summer starts feeling more real, and the expanse of "free time" is just right around the corner, and feels never-ending. Yet, here we are in the latter half of August, and I'm not really sure where the time went.
We've been so busy over the last few weekends preparing for and volunteering at the RHSMB Mega Garage Sale. It's so big! And it takes an army to pull it off. Collectively, Ava, my mom, and I put in at least 30 hours to help out. And we're just a small percentage of the people who volunteered. It's such a wonderful fundraiser for the band, so it's worth the time and sweat we pour into it!
Ava's been really busy with marching band and...also starting a job! Ava's a teacher's aide at a local daycare center, and really seems to like it. They are organized, responsive, and pay pretty dang well. Things seem to be going pretty well, but I detected a bit of exhaustion as Friday rolled around.
First day on the job!
I had forgotten that I had promised G that I would take him to a Vikings practice game over the summer, and luckily rainy weather caused the last Vikings Training Camp practice to be rescheduled. I just happened to see it announced on the day that the rescheduled tickets went for sale, so I snagged a few for me and G to attend. I figured training camp was easier than heading downtown for a full Vikes game with my little guy. It was an absolutely perfect night. The weather was great, the food was decent, and after we had our fill of the field activities, we walked around and played games, ate popsicles, and reveled in a new event (for us.) We even saw our friends there, which was a fun surprise!