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More stripes!

Both of the kids earned another stripe at TKD this week! Ava's up to two on her purple belt, and G is at one. This was quite the accomplishment considering that while they were practicing combos, Ava inadvertently kicked G hard in the arm. He took a few minutes to rest, and then went back into the class. Ava has a very strong kick so I'm sure it hurt! 

We had a very nice Mother's Day last weekend. We took Deb out to brunch, and then the four of us went plant shopping, and then just G and I did even more shopping. That kid made out well - he got a new basketball and shorts. And when we got home, both kids (and I) got treats from the neighborhood ice cream van. I'm looking forward to a separate MD outing with my mom in a few weeks, as well. We're going to head to the MoA for a book signing!

We had a huge accomplishment this week...we wrapped up Ava's required night driving hours! We hit the 15 hour mark on Friday night, during a rain storm. And we have less than an hour to go before we hit the 50 hour mark, overall. Since we still have one month until her birthday, I'm so happy to know that we'll accumulate even more hours. We made it!

The sun was peeking out oddly during the sunset rainstorm

Scott, G, and I went to see IF (Imaginary Friends) movie on Friday night. It was so sweet and cute...and it had me bawling. The thought of kids growing up and moving away from their IFs really got to me. I was a blubbering mess. But, we all enjoyed the popcorn. Yum!

Pria loves the warmer weather. When I have a break in meetings, we try to meet Ava outside when she gets off of the bus. Pria loves laying in the grass, and then perks up when she senses her getting near.

Walking in the warm weather tires her out...

It's been such a treat being outdoors this week. We are all so happy that the chilly season has come to an end, and we can spend more time in the sun!


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