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I took Ava for her first driving lesson last Sunday. It was just a slow drive down to our neighborhood community center's parking lot. She drove very carefully down/back from there, and when we were there, we practiced pulling into parking spots, lining up with the curbs, taking turns, etc. She did a great job for her first time out! We're using an app to track the time, as we need to have at least 50 hours of drive time by the time she's ready to take her driver's exam. We want to get closer to 100 hours, so she becomes more comfortable. Not sure I'm ready for this yet. Yikes.

Once Scott got back from deer opener (no deer this time), he decided to rake the backyard and enlisted some helpers. Look at the joy on their faces!

We had our final RHSMB event this past Monday...the end of season banquet. There were over 600 people present, and it was great! I helped with the setup crew, and managed to snag some seats right near the front. It was a bittersweet event as now it's done for the seniors. I enjoyed watching it, but am already dreading it in two years once Ava is a senior. The time is slipping away and I don't know how to cope with that. 

Ava and Aaron

Scott's out of town again this weekend for hunting, so I took the kids, and Ava's friend to Target on Friday night. We had fun shopping, and then headed back to our house for pizza and TWO movies. G eventually had to put himself to bed because it was getting so late (and I was snoozing.) But then on Saturday, we decided to watch another movie during/after lunch...lots of movie time for us!

I'm taking the kids for a Christmas-themed mini-photo session with a local photographer on Saturday afternoon, and then we're going to head to the library and a local coffee shop for some hot chocolate. It's a grey, dreary day here, so those all seem like cozy ways to spend a late afternoon. And, hopefully get some great shots of the kids!

Wishing Scott lots of luck, but mostly to be safe this weekend!


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