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Just Keeping Swimmin'

G's been in swimming lessons for almost a year. He goes once a week, and I realized I have never, ever taken a pic of him swimming. He has come such a long way from last summer, when he didn't know anything about swimming. The last time we went to the pool, he was having fun doing back flips in the water!

This was a big week...the kids wrapped up school on Wednesday! G had a very fun last few days, while Ava had finals in most of her classes. They were both super happy to have completed their respective years. Hard to believe we will have a sophomore and a 4th grader in the fall!

G had a dance party in his room on Thursday morning :)

Pria was able to join in the celebration this week with a Pup Cup. She loves it when we go to Caribou and get a treat for her.

In addition to all of this excitement, we were also thrilled to find a company who had a tall enough ladder to take care of the birds nest poking out of our dryer vent. We had been turned down by so many companies that it was really disappointing. But, along came MN Duct Pros to our rescue! They successfully removed the nest (no eggs, or birds, thank goodness), as well as cleaned out the dryer vent duct work, and then installed a bird guard at the end of the vent. I am SO happy that this project is completed and my dryer is back in working condition. It's amazing how well things dry when something isn't blocking the line!

Ava and I are getting ready to head to Colorado next week with Grandma Karen. Can't wait to see the mountains again! G will be starting his Summer Power program while we're gone, so we'll be anxious to hear what he thinks. We visited the new (to him) location and met some of the staff. He has a few friends that will be there, as well, so I hope that eases any anxiety he might have about going somewhere new.

We stopped by on Friday afternoon to wish my mom a very happy (early) birthday! Another year where we can be grateful to be able to celebrate together. 💜


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