As we wrapped up G's birthday night, we also threw in some pumpkin carving (there's only so much time in the weekends to get stuff done!) Honestly, we went fast and easy this year. We had one good pumpkin left from the garden, and we gave G free reign to draw a design. He went with a goofy face, and I had it scooped out and carved within 20 minutes. It was the fastest pumpkin carving we have ever done. And I'm going to give a lot of the credit to Scott's super sharp little saw knife thingy that I used. Cut through the pumpkin like buttah!
The next day I puttered around the house while everyone was off elsewhere, and I ended up attempting to make one of G's birthday presents...chocolate mousse witches cauldrons. Aaaand, it was harder than I expected. I burned the chocolate on the first one, completely did the mold wrong on the second one, and finally got a decent one to turn out. I presented that to G, and he said it looked and tasted pretty good. Yay. Whew.
The next day was Halloween, so we got Ava ready first and then I dropped her off at the high school; she was going out with some of her older friends. They ended up collecting cans for NHS, and hit up a few different neighborhoods. It was amazing when she was dropped off at our house and I didn't have to pick up my pink dino at another location! She collected a lot of candy. A LOT.
I stayed with G Banana Man for the night, and we went canvasing through our neighborhood with a bunch of other families. We went out when it was still light, and over the next two hours, did a pretty good job of hitting up most of the houses in the single family home portion of our neighborhood, as well as some of the townhouses that were handing out the loot! G also collected a lot of candy. MORE THAN AVA. It's ridiculous how much he has!
Scott and Rainbow Unicorn Pria held down the fort and passed out candy to the kiddos who came begging at our door. Apparently after I left with G, Pria was very sad and just kept waiting for me to come home. I'm glad to see that she and Scott are bonding more, and she loves the belly rubs he gives her each morning before he leaves for work. I'm sure she was a big help in keeping the kids in line on Halloween night!