The week after the Daylight Saving Time change is a doozy. I know it's "just an hour" but after a month of really bad sleeping at night, I felt this lost hour to the core. I'm so happy that it's the weekend, so we can all try to catch some extra zzzzs.
In my 3+ years at Patterson, I've never cashed in on my VTO (Volunteer Time Off) that they give to us each year, so I decided to use at least a part of it this year before the fiscal year end (end of April.) The RHS Marching Band is such a behemoth, and they rely on parent volunteer hours to get things done. This year, all of the 9-11 grade kids, as well as the incoming 8th graders needed to be measured for new uniforms. I spent four hours at the high school on Tuesday morning (there by 7am!) chatting with and measuring high school kids.
It was pretty neat to get to see so many of the kids who Ava is going to interact with in the upcoming school year. In fact, there was one girl who I instantly thought of as being a good match as a friend for Ava. She also plays trumpet, so Ava will definitely get to meet her in the near future. BUT...turns out that as soon as I started describing her, Ava knew exactly who she was...she's the older sister of one of Ava's friends, and she has already met her! What a small world!
After that flashback to high school, I worked for several hours, went to the dentist, and then took Ava back to the high school to get measured for her uniform. Luckily, I knew exactly what she needed to wear to get the best measurement, and also what questions were going to be asked. I not only enjoyed getting to meet the kids, but also several of the other "band moms". They were so helpful when I had questions, and it will be nice to see friendly faces at all of the upcoming events for the marching band.
Ava's been busy wrapping up schoolwork this week, and getting a COVID test (negative) because she leaves on Monday morning for Washington DC! We need to get her packed today, and figure out any last minute things to pick up for her on Sunday. We are SO excited for her, and hope that she has an amazing adventure with her classmates. I'm really happy that one of her best friends is going, as well, so they can share in this experience together.
G had a great week at school,, he tested for/earned his 4th stripe (for sparring) for his gold belt in taekwondo. That means that the next time he goes, he can test for his red stripe (breaking boards) and move up to the orange belt. Ava's orange belt is on order, but she's already wanting to test for her first stripe for that belt, as well. I love that Ava has really found her niche with activities (TKD, trumpet, and art.) We are so very proud of her.
G and I will be taking adult/child golf lessons this summer...should be fun, and a great way for me to brush up on my skills, and for G to learn something new, with me right by his side. Now, we just need to figure out the best night/time to work around Ava's crazy band schedule!
We didn't have a leprechaun visit this year, but Scott made a fantastic Irish meal for us...corned beef, cabbage, and colcannon potatoes. So good!
G and I started off the day with a little reading, and then took Pria on a long walk around the neighborhood. She's so happy that the snow is melting...there are so many good smells for her to sniff, and she loves laying in the sunny patches around the house.