Well, folks, we made it. We just completed the last 5-day work and school week for 2020. We have a variety of time off between now and January 4, and I think we are all so ready for it. I need to start working on my list of projects that I want to tackle during the holiday time off...while also celebrating and relaxing, of course.
Both kids' reports cards for Tri 1 are now available, and they are doing great! Ava got all A's with the exception of a B+ in Accelerated Algebra, but frankly, I am thrilled that she's even in an advanced math class. And she doesn't complain too much about it, so she must enjoy it, at least a bit? She loves her Chinese class the best, hands down. This distance learning is working out really well for her this year. We are incredibly lucky to be in this situation.
As an early Christmas gift to the family, I bought us the Holiday Box from Universal Yums. Totally thought this was going to be disgusting, but it was SO good. Shocking! This is a treat from Taiwan, so Ava was really excited to try it (she loves to try new Asian things...proud of her!)
G also did a good job for the first trimester. As expected, he could do a bit better in working independently...but, when Mom is RIGHT THERE, it's so much easier to ask me. I have noticed that he is taking more initiative to proceed with his assignments without my prompting (especially since I'm in so many meetings for work.)
Peppermint-y hot chocolate to celebrate the season!
George was a very busy elf this week...he's only here for a few more days, so it'll be fun to see what else he has planned!
12/13: Elfie station!