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Slobby Joes

It’s snowing! The curtains are open as I’m snuggled into my warm bed, typing this post. A flurry caught my eye, and I stopped what I was doing to enjoy the first flakes of the year. It’s a hard time of year with the impending cold temps...getting ready for the chaos of the holidays, confirming that all kids are prepared with new winter wear, and dealing with illnesses that rear their ugly heads once school is back in session. But, we still try to make time for fun!

We enjoyed a dinner out at a local pizzeria/bar with face that G's sock monkey matches his shirt!

I took the kids to the city library one was empty, which means they had free reign of the toy area!

I took last week off of blog posting, as I had little energy to spare. That led into a very busy workweek, where I had far too much to do in a short amount of time, plus, my sleeping patterns were off. Added into the mixed was the fact that Ava picked up a cold, so there was constant concern over her well being. Put all of those together, and I can tell you the exact time that I realized on Friday night that I was also sick. Ugh. I don’t remember the last time I had a cold. Hopefully I’ll kick it soon!

Last Saturday, Scott and I went out for a belated anniversary dinner at a local supper club. After we enjoyed our delish dinner, we did some shopping for the kids at the premium outlets, and then made it to a hometown bar for VINGO (video bingo!) It was so great to be out with Scott and no kids (thanks to Grandma Karen and Grandpa Doug for watching the kiddos!)

Scott found this cute hat while shopping for Ava - ha!

Ava’s been busy with baton twirling, full band rehearsals, trumpet lessons, and schoolwork. G has been busy being 90% good, and 10% naughty. Very naughty. He’s such a defiant little boy...we don’t always know what to do with the situations he throws our way. I’ve been enjoying seeing him write, spell words, and read signs. It’s amazing to see him shaping up to be ready to enter Kindergarten next year!

Last night we had a Celebration of Life event for Scott’s Uncle Tom, who passed away in July. There was a great turnout, and we’d had the chance to catch up with people who we haven’t seen in years. Plus, there was a silent auction, and we came home with a few items. Yay! Sloppy Joes, aka Slobby Joes, per G, were served and they were quite tasty!

This is a neat bottle top catcher that we'll put in the garage

This autumn sign warms our entryway!

Grandma Deb and Grandpa Whitey are in town for the event, and they are going to take Ava and G for several hours this afternoon to help them burn off some energy. Scott and I are looking forward to having a few more hours together where we can sit and chat, without our littles demanding all of our attention!

The snow has increased a little bit, and it's beginning to stick...makes me want to burrow deeper into my warm bed, so I can sleep off this cold!


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