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Mermaids, Planes, and Lime

Another fun week is in the books!  I had a great week at was very productive, which always makes the weekends more enjoyable (no worries about working on the weekend!) Plus, my company brought in the Gin Blossoms for a private show on Thursday...what a great time that was!  I was able to meet the lead singer, hang out with some friends, and even go out to a bar/restaurant afterwards.  It was so busy!  And then I remembered that on Thursday nights when we're home with the kids, other people are still going out.  It's a little glimpse of the world that happens, when kids are not a factor. (Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change anything in my life!!)

Last Sunday, Scott, Ava, and I went to The Little Mermaid musical at a local high school. The cast, crew and musicians did a great job bringing the classic story to life. It was really nice to have some one-on-one time with Ava. A big thanks for Grandma Karen for staying with G while we were out (granted, it was nap time for him, so it was pretty quiet!)

Rosemount has a strong Irish history, so it makes sense that the city days celebration is Irish-themed. Leprechaun Days is a 10-day affair, with a variety of events that focus on fun and families.  Yesterday was a packed day for us, filled guessed it, fun, family AND friends!

We started off the morning by heading out to the parade, which starts by the high school. The kids got a ton of candy and freebie items, and I made a new friend with the woman sitting next to me.  She was super chatty, and really, really nice.  One of my co-workers is running for City Council in Rosemount, so it was nice to be able to share our support of her there, as well. The only part I didn't enjoy was the unexpected heat and humidity.  Being soaked in sweat was the end result! 

On our walk home from the parade, we stopped in to G's daycare to give a tour to my parents, and also to enjoy some ice cream (they were having an ice cream social.)  Then we stopped in to the library to receive a few books, plus Ava needed to check out some new ones (hauling 8 books around in a backpack didn't help the sweating situation...) And THEN we stopped for root beer floats at the senior center.  Hot and hopped up on sugar didn't make for a happy G (he zonked out once we got home), but Ava did fairly well.

We took a few hours rest and then met up with my parents again in Central Park to enjoy the carnival rides, games, and food. Ava's not much of a risk taker (with anything) so she was content with the slow rides and games.  G found his new favorite ride...the planes!  He went on the ride three different times, and he insisted on the orange plane each time!  The guy who was running the ride told me that it was probably his favorite ride too.  He got a kick out of seeing G keep coming back for more.

Each time he would zoom past us, he would say, "I'm flying!"

We ended with a quick trip on the playground equipment and left right as they were starting to do the sound check for the concert (one day, we'll be able to stay for the music - and I'll get to go to the beer garden. ONE DAY!)  We walked to a local restaurant for dinner and had a great time, chatting with the servers, and filling our bellies. As we walked back to the car, we could hear the concert...if it hadn't already been such a long day, we might have stayed for a bit to watch it.

Slides are not made for adults. But, G had fun!

Wearing her newly-won friend, Lime (the turtle) on her head

Once we got home, G hit the hay, and Scott chatted with the neighbors, while Ava played with a friend, and I took 20 min to watch MTV (I didn't realize they still played videos! It was exactly what I needed for my few minutes of and no thinking required.)  My parents joined us around 9pm, and we headed over to a neighbor's house to chat and watch the fireworks. They have a great view from their driveway, plus there was no driving required.  After that, Scott brought Ava home, and he went to one neighbor's bonfire, while I went to another. During that time, I had a chance to chat with a neighbor I don't know very well...she gave me a little tour of her house, and I really like her decorating style.  I might have a new mentor I can ask for help!! She offered to help us paint our interior rooms, which I thought was SO nice! 

Scott met me on my walk home, and we finally had a few minutes to talk, without anyone else around. I was so exhausted that I was afraid I was going to fall asleep during our conversation. We even slept in today, which never, ever happens! 

It was a very busy, but fun, weekend.  This summer is zipping by way too quickly.  I have no idea where the days go. Yikes!


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