We've been raising quite the reader over the last several years. I have always loved to read, and it pleases me to see how much Ava enjoys spending time with her nose in books. She has a daily reading log for school, and the last few months, she has exceeded the number of minutes that have been set for her goal. Awesome!
G also loves to have books read to him, and while we started off with two books a night, he's now insisting on me reading a gajillion books each night. Some nights I have the time to read more, and other nights I don't. Imagine how happy I was last week when Ava told me that SHE would read to G before bed! Of course, she first asked if the minutes would count towards her reading log...smart girl. It was awesome to settle them both into the glider, and extract myself so I could run to the grocery store for a few minutes. And because it was a novel (haha) experience for both of them, they were both happy to read 10+ books in one sitting.
I'm not going to take advantage of this too often, but it's so good to know that I have a backup reader on my hands (no, Scott doesn't enjoy reading, but will do it if he's the last option.) Last night, I cut G off at four books, which he wasn't thrilled with, but then I rocked him to sleep, so he still got some great mommy time before bed. Love that boy so much!!
Ava and Grandma Karen had a blast making Christmas cookies yesterday. I mostly just supervised -yeah, right - and waited for my turn to make fudge. It was a sweet, sweet afternoon at the Goers' house!
I can't believe Christmas is next week! All I have left to do is wrap a few remaining presents, and we will have done everything on the 2015 Christmas list! I know it's not as fun to work off of a list for the holidays, but in this house, that's how things get done...we've had the opposite come true in years past, and it's not a jolly experience!
Time to start the day with some coffee and fudge cutting. Yum!
G also loves to have books read to him, and while we started off with two books a night, he's now insisting on me reading a gajillion books each night. Some nights I have the time to read more, and other nights I don't. Imagine how happy I was last week when Ava told me that SHE would read to G before bed! Of course, she first asked if the minutes would count towards her reading log...smart girl. It was awesome to settle them both into the glider, and extract myself so I could run to the grocery store for a few minutes. And because it was a novel (haha) experience for both of them, they were both happy to read 10+ books in one sitting.
Ava and Grandma Karen had a blast making Christmas cookies yesterday. I mostly just supervised -yeah, right - and waited for my turn to make fudge. It was a sweet, sweet afternoon at the Goers' house!
I can't believe Christmas is next week! All I have left to do is wrap a few remaining presents, and we will have done everything on the 2015 Christmas list! I know it's not as fun to work off of a list for the holidays, but in this house, that's how things get done...we've had the opposite come true in years past, and it's not a jolly experience!
Time to start the day with some coffee and fudge cutting. Yum!