It's been 1.5 weeks since we've moved in, and I'm happy to say that everything is unpacked (at least what we're going to unpack for the next few months) and all of the rooms are in order. The only somewhat disorganized space is the garage, and I'm leaving that in Scott's capable hands since 95% of the things in there are his. Scott even managed to do some creative landscaping on our front walkway, so it has more curb appeal. Overall, we're pretty happy with how this rental will be over the next few months, but we're still very excited to get into our new home this fall!
Now that the sun has FINALLY made an appearance for more than a fleeting moment, we've had a chance to meet some of the neighbors, and see how the neighborhood operates when people are out and about. The neighbors to the south of us just set up their pool yesterday, so I'm thinking they would be good people to get to know. :) I've waved and said hi a few times to the mom, but haven't had a chance for a full conversation yet. They also have a fire pit...and we all know how Scott feels about bonfires...!
Scott was thinning out the trees in the backyard, and the neighbor directly to the west of us popped over and asked Scott if he could borrow his chainsaw briefly. And then there were the sounds of many chainsaws throughout the neighborhood! The yards around us are HUGE...everyone has a riding lawnmower. Most of them are .5 acre, and there's one down the block that's 1.2 acres. WOW! We've also discovered that with a new neighborhood, comes new bugs. There are bugs that I've never seen before, and we even discovered a snake skin that was shed, right on our driveway. I think Scott's less than happy about that one!
We did meet our neighbors on the other side of the twin home, and they've confirmed they haven't heard our dogs bark, or Ava jumping/running/yelling/talking/etc. Thank goodness for firewalls! :)
It's been so long since either one of us have moved, and we've certainly never moved as a family before, so I'm really happy to say this has been a pretty decent experience. There have been a few things with the house itself that we've needed to take care of (the entire master bedroom closet shelving fell yesterday...and there was a lot of it), but overall, it's been positive.
Tomorrow is Ava's preschool graduation...after the ceremony, we'll enjoy a picnic lunch before I head to work. I'm hoping that the sun stays out, and it's not freezing, as everything is scheduled to take place outside.
Pregnancy update: I'm 17 weeks, and feeling great! Just really tired, but I think that can be attributed to the major upheaval we've been through in the last few weeks. Baby has popped out a bit, so I had to dig out those maternity clothes from long ago. I had more clothes than I thought (what a surprise!) so I should only have to supplement with a few summer things, like shorts and skirts.
Right now, I'm happy to have the windows open, hear the sprinkler running, and have Ava playing outside in the sun. Life is good!
Now that the sun has FINALLY made an appearance for more than a fleeting moment, we've had a chance to meet some of the neighbors, and see how the neighborhood operates when people are out and about. The neighbors to the south of us just set up their pool yesterday, so I'm thinking they would be good people to get to know. :) I've waved and said hi a few times to the mom, but haven't had a chance for a full conversation yet. They also have a fire pit...and we all know how Scott feels about bonfires...!
Scott was thinning out the trees in the backyard, and the neighbor directly to the west of us popped over and asked Scott if he could borrow his chainsaw briefly. And then there were the sounds of many chainsaws throughout the neighborhood! The yards around us are HUGE...everyone has a riding lawnmower. Most of them are .5 acre, and there's one down the block that's 1.2 acres. WOW! We've also discovered that with a new neighborhood, comes new bugs. There are bugs that I've never seen before, and we even discovered a snake skin that was shed, right on our driveway. I think Scott's less than happy about that one!
We did meet our neighbors on the other side of the twin home, and they've confirmed they haven't heard our dogs bark, or Ava jumping/running/yelling/talking/etc. Thank goodness for firewalls! :)
It's been so long since either one of us have moved, and we've certainly never moved as a family before, so I'm really happy to say this has been a pretty decent experience. There have been a few things with the house itself that we've needed to take care of (the entire master bedroom closet shelving fell yesterday...and there was a lot of it), but overall, it's been positive.
Tomorrow is Ava's preschool graduation...after the ceremony, we'll enjoy a picnic lunch before I head to work. I'm hoping that the sun stays out, and it's not freezing, as everything is scheduled to take place outside.
Pregnancy update: I'm 17 weeks, and feeling great! Just really tired, but I think that can be attributed to the major upheaval we've been through in the last few weeks. Baby has popped out a bit, so I had to dig out those maternity clothes from long ago. I had more clothes than I thought (what a surprise!) so I should only have to supplement with a few summer things, like shorts and skirts.
Right now, I'm happy to have the windows open, hear the sprinkler running, and have Ava playing outside in the sun. Life is good!