Our daycare provider's daughter is a whiz with hair. I'm not sure if it's because she is a dancer, and always had to have cute hairstyles for the performances, or if she's just naturally good at doing hair... In any case, I am not. That's why I have short hair. If it was any longer, it would be in a ponytail 99% of the time!
So, imagine how happy and surprised I was when Ava came home with this cute 'do! I had to take a picture because I'm pretty sure I could never re-create it. But if I wanted to, at least I'll have a guide!
We have been very, very busy getting the house ready to put on the market. This week we went and picked up samples for the basement bathroom. Once that's in, I can do a few things to spruce up that room...and that's the last big project! Our goal is to have it on the market in the next month. We still need to declutter and clean, and boy, I am NOT looking forward to that. I'm almost to the point where I want to hire someone to do a thorough cleaning. Ugh.
Plus, we've had some pretty weather these last few weekends, so it's hard to get up the motivation to stay inside the house and work. We just need to buckle down and get to it. But, check out the pups soaking up the sun! Spanky never cuddles up to the other 2 dogs, so this was pretty cute to see him and Darla together like this.
Big news on the potty front...Ava hasn't pooped in her pants for a few weeks now! Every morning I've been giving her pear juice, along with her vitamin, and it seems to be getting things a bit more regular. She's been going a few times a week now (as opposed to her once-a-week "monster"), and has been letting us know when she needs to go. I feel like a big hurdle has been passed, and frankly, I'm looking forward to the day where I can stop obsessing about her poop. And talking about it. :)
On that happy note, Happy Wednesday! Just a few more days till the weekend is here...hooray!
So, imagine how happy and surprised I was when Ava came home with this cute 'do! I had to take a picture because I'm pretty sure I could never re-create it. But if I wanted to, at least I'll have a guide!
We have been very, very busy getting the house ready to put on the market. This week we went and picked up samples for the basement bathroom. Once that's in, I can do a few things to spruce up that room...and that's the last big project! Our goal is to have it on the market in the next month. We still need to declutter and clean, and boy, I am NOT looking forward to that. I'm almost to the point where I want to hire someone to do a thorough cleaning. Ugh.
Plus, we've had some pretty weather these last few weekends, so it's hard to get up the motivation to stay inside the house and work. We just need to buckle down and get to it. But, check out the pups soaking up the sun! Spanky never cuddles up to the other 2 dogs, so this was pretty cute to see him and Darla together like this.
Big news on the potty front...Ava hasn't pooped in her pants for a few weeks now! Every morning I've been giving her pear juice, along with her vitamin, and it seems to be getting things a bit more regular. She's been going a few times a week now (as opposed to her once-a-week "monster"), and has been letting us know when she needs to go. I feel like a big hurdle has been passed, and frankly, I'm looking forward to the day where I can stop obsessing about her poop. And talking about it. :)
On that happy note, Happy Wednesday! Just a few more days till the weekend is here...hooray!
Good luck on your house projects. When I even think about selling our house for any reason I get instantly overwhelmed with all of the work it would take because there's just so much clutter!!
We should find some time in your busy schedules to get together sometime...it's been awhile.