Scott and I have finally had a chance to slow down and take a few minutes for ourselves these past few days. I realized that we hadn't cleaned/assembled the Jumperoo from Scott's cousin Josh. I washed everything up, and made sure it was at the right height for her. She seemed to like it better today than yesterday.
OMG! What IS this thing?? HOLD ON!
Oh, this "thing" has toys, so it can't be that bad. I guess.
The next project is to assemble her Exer-saucer. My question is, "Where are we going to put all of these HUGE toys??"
We're looking forward to this week - lots of big things are happening. Ava will go to her 4-month well baby visit, and she'll be getting the next round of vaccines. Hooray. I'll be sure to post how big she's getting.
We also have a Halloween party at her daycare on Thursday. We'll be bringing fruit snacks for the kids. However, we'll need to buy a new box of fruit snacks, as Mommy attacked the original box this weekend. Superman has kryptonite; Mommy has fruit snacks. :)
And on Halloween night, we'll be going to great-grandma's house for a birthday party, so we'll be able to spend some time with Scott's family.
Have a great week!