It's G's turn! He started 5th grade this past Tuesday. I absolutely cannot believe that we are in our last year of elementary school. This is the 12th year that we've had a kid in elementary. We've had great experiences with our school, but I am ready to level up, and enjoy this last year (of being an elementary school parent.) I have spent so much time at RHS over the last several years with Ava that the differences between the ages/responsibilities/expectations are very apparent.
G had a great first day of school and was happy to be in class with many of his friends!
Ava was very busy with school, RHSMB rehearsals, and work this week. Saturday night is the first competition of the MB season, and I'm excited to see it all come together. I haven't seen them perform in uniform yet, so it'll be a neat experience to finally see it under the stadium lights at a neighboring high school. Good luck, Irish!
Scott, Pria, and I are just existing in our kids' worlds right now. We work, we eat, we sleep...nothing too fun and exciting. I did end up going to a wine party with a neighbor on Friday night. I didn't drink more than 1.5 glasses of wine, but the next day, ooof, I felt like I had drank a bottle. I guess that's what getting older will do to ya!
One of the perks in working from home is that I can walk on my walking pad during the day (I have a wall desk that holds my laptop so I can walk and work.) I loved it when Pria decided to lay down in the sun right next to me this past week. What a great life!! (For both her and me!)
The outside air isn't hot anymore, and I just had my first pumpkin drink this fall...bring on the cooler temps! Although, I saw we're going to be in the upper 80's later this week. So confusing. But, I guess we should enjoy it before the snow flies!