RHS started up again this week, so Ava officially began sophomore year! The first day of school is a half day for grades 10-12, as they allow just the 9th graders in the building for the morning, so they can get used to it before the older kids join in. What that means is that the first day for the older kids isn't much of a school day...they have lunch, advisory, and meetings. No real classes. The second day was a full day of school, but it was also picture day, and safety day, which means there were fire drills, tornado drills, and overall safety reviews. I know it was an adjustment to start school before Labor Day, but honestly, it's not too heavy in the traditional education that first 1.5 days.
TBD for future career!
G finished up his Summer Power program, and we've turned our focus to his first day of 4th grade, which will be on Tuesday. He went in for his reading assessment with his new teacher, and sailed through it with flying colors. He's reading at the level he needs to be at by the END of 4th grade. Way to go, kiddo!
Digging in the Little Library outside of Red Pine
My Mom and I went and saw Barbie on Tuesday night, and it was just as good as it was the first time when I saw it with Ava. I'm so glad that we were able to find some time to watch it!
On Saturday afternoon, G and I dropped off Ava at a friend's house, and then he and I did some shopping at Dollar Tree, and then ventured out to a local park. We ended up going on a walk through some beautiful woods in Rosemount. We saw lots of monarchs and gold finches, as well as a lovely swan on a lake we walked to.
Big news for me this week...I was promoted at work! When my manager left a few months ago, it left a big gap on the team. And now, I'm filling part of the role! (I did not want to take on the role of being a people manager - yet - but I did want to take on the task of helping leading the decisions about what projects our entire team was working on.) I am now the Lead Product Owner for the ecommerce web team at Patterson. Yay!
A few rando pics from the week...check out this great Lego airplane that G built! And look at our sweet Pria, cuddled up with Gus the giraffe. I do sometimes wonder if he just gets in the way, so she just lays down on him. Haha!
We're looking forward to hosting dinner for our parents on Sunday night, and just taking some time to relax over this long holiday weekend. I'm happy that we're going to be getting some routine back in our days soon!