You ever had one of those weeks (or two) that are just really productive, and you're getting lots of stuff checked off the ol' to do list? I've been feeling that way for the last several weeks. I'm hosting book club next weekend, and apparently that's been the kick that I needed to get to some much needed projects that have been sitting on our list of things to do.
In turn, we had a good week! There was some volunteering, a little football cheering (love the Mama Kelce storyline), some hearts and goodies were given, carpets were cleaned, the beagle got groomed, and I was in the (work) office for almost a full day, catching up with coworkers! It was a great week, capped off with G heading to Grandma Deb's for the weekend, and as a result, I got to spend more time with just Ava. She heads off to a friends valentine's party on Saturday night, so Scott and I will be enjoying a date night, and not worrying about the kiddos.
I volunteered for a mattress fundraiser for the RHSMB. I never thought I'd be able to lay down on a bed at the high school...