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Shortbread Success!

As I've mentioned a few times here, we get monthly Raddish kids cooking boxes. These themed boxes contain recipes, fun facts, and a kitchen tool...all designed to help the kids get interested in cooking, and learn some good skills. Lately it's been mostly me, and sometimes Ava, doing the cooking/baking. Through the Raddish Facebook group, I learned that a recent shortbread recipe was a disaster for many people, so I put off trying to make it. But, late last Saturday night, I decided it was time. I am SO happy that we have the KitchenAid stand mixer...I was able to cream the butter and sugar for an extra long time (there might have been a wild poof of powdered sugar that went everywhere when I first brought the beater down in the bowl...did you know that powdered sugar isn't easy to remove off of black leggings? Me either! Fun stuff!)

But, I also used the tips and tricks by the FB group members for this recipe, and I had great success. The cookies held their shape and they tasted delicious. Many people were posting that their cookies had spread everywhere, so I was so happy when ours came out looking the same as when they went into the oven.

Behold, the domino shortbread cookie! G did help me a bit...he chose the number of chocolate chips to put on each side :)

Ava and I spent a wonderful day together shopping on Sunday. We went to SO many different stores, and were able to enjoy several hours of our freeeeedom! It was great to be out and about, and hanging out with my favorite girl. It reminded me of all of the times that my mom and I have gone shopping in the past. Love it!

Scott's been super busy with work, and his side job, this week. But, we spent a nice Friday evening together as a family, watching "Back to the Future". The kids loved it! After they went to bed, I watched "I, Tonya"...whoo boy, that girl did not have an easy life. And it's definitely NOT a kids movie. 

I've been tackling organizing some trouble spots in our the jumble of cords next to my desk. I remember my dad making a comment about that disaster area a few years ago. He'd be pleased with the end results now. I have a nice little shelf now so everything is off the floor, and I invested in some cord wrappers so everything is contained. It really is the little things that bring joy to the day!

The weekend should end well with Easter. G has already hidden a bunch of Lego creations all over the house and is looking forward to us finding them on Easter. We're going to attempt to make Nordic cinnamon buns for Easter breakfast, and then the kids can hunt for Easter eggs around the house. The weather looks like it is going to be amazing, so hopefully we can spend some time outside, too!

Happy Easter, all!


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