We are so proud of our kids! We feel very fortunate that we were blessed with the two kiddos that we have. Are they perfect? Definitely not. Do they try our patience on a regular basis? Sure do! But, overall, they are good kids who try hard, generally do as asked, and are mostly loving and kind to others. We are lucky, no doubt about it.
Ava had a nice surprise earlier in the week when the mail came...she was chosen as the Student of the Month for Chinese classes in all of her middle school. She absolutely loves her Chinese class and goes above and beyond in her efforts towards her lessons. I'm so glad that the school has taken notice of it and recognized her. Also, her baton class performed in a winter festival (huh, I had no idea...must have taken place virtually during one of their classes recently), and she was awarded a pin for the performance (now, it could be that everyone got a pin, but we're proud of her, regardless!)
She and I also attended her spring conferences (virtually) with her advisor on Wednesday night. She noted that Ava is doing well and is exceling at the digital format of classes. Her only request is that she wants Ava to turn her video on more...I get it, it's hard to have the video on all of the time, but...the more you do it, the easier it gets and doesn't feel as weird.
Instead of conferences for the little ones, G's elementary school used their time for assessments. With the kids being in/out of school all year, the teachers needed to measure again to see how the kids are doing. By no surprise, G has moved up to the highest reading level in his class, and his teacher told him to let us know that he did a great job on his assessments. It's so fun to see his brain learning and engaging with new things everyday...just recently we've moved onto having him help prepare his lunch. The other day he helped make his PB&J sandwich, and today, I taught him how to make a quesadilla. Nothing mind blowing and gourmet, but easy baby steps to help him with independence. It already feels a bit strange knowing that we no longer have a baby or toddler or preschooler in the house...the kids are stretching everyday to learn new things and be contributors to the household. It's glorious!
Last weekend, we made some yummy Valentine's candies...next up will be green and white to celebrate St Patty's Day next month!
I was able to snag three extra Raddish Kids kits that I've had my eye on. We're going to make the Taste of Thailand kit for dinner tonight...some yummy pad thai and chicken satay with peanut sauce is on the menu. I have an India kit coming my way, as well as a yummy Valentine's Day one (so...we'll get that after Valentine's Day, but that's ok - we'll still enjoy the time spent as a family making the food.) I love how this quarantine time has brought us closer together, and interacting more as a family.
Happy Valentine's Day...xoxo