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Busy Bees!

It was a hot and busy week! I like having things planned in advance so we can get stuff done throughout the week, but the past 7 days held a ton of pop-up events and fun things, so...we weren't quite as productive as I had hoped we would be.

We ended last Sunday with a family celebration for Scott. Happy #43!

At the end of last weekend, we had almost finished up with G's room, and now, it's completely done! The wall color looks great, and we purged so many toys that we can now put the kiddie table and chairs up in his room instead of in our family room. He loves having it's so much easier for him to play restaurant with a place for his little stuffies to sit.

I love this side-by-side pic of G, He's grown so much!

I'm waiting on some new wall art that I ordered for his room...should be here this week! 

G had a pretty good week at daycare. His teacher has been working with Scott and I to determine what we can do to help temper his emotional outbursts. We landed on using a sticker chart...he's already earned 5 stickers, and only needs to get to 12 to earn a toy police car! He's been working so hard at behaving better, and has only had isolated outbursts. We always talk about what upset him, so he understands (hopefully) how to better control it in the future.

Ava, of course, had a good week. She only has one more week of summer band, and I finally realized I needed to ask if there would be a little concert. Turns out there will be, but it'll be during her normal band time this coming Thursday. Looks like that's what I'll be doing during lunch!

Ava also has her summer baton performance coming up this Friday, so that was a bit unexpected, but should be fun. She's hoping to head over to a friend's house for a sleepover right after the performance, so I think we're all hoping it'll only be an hour (or so) long. She also has a super fun birthday party at a waterpark this coming Tuesday afternoon/evening, right before her final baton class for the summer. That is going to be a crazy day!

I had several unexpected events pop-up this week (which derailed me from making any progress on painting Ava's room.) We had a vendor visiting from Portland, so there was a last-minute happy hour on Monday night. Nice and short, but sitting in the sun with a 4oz (yep, tiny) beer wiped me out and when I got home, I took a nap before dinner. Zzzzz.....

I also had my first review for my went great and they are still happy to have me there. Whew! My manager wants to get me involved in the women in leadership mentoring group, and I'm thrilled! I am thankful every day that I made a change in my career. This is the first summer in years where I have actually enjoyed my time at home, and haven't had to worry about fitting in work during the weekend (or feeling guilty if I didn't get to it.) I miss my old co-workers, but am grateful that this new opportunity presented itself to me.

On Wednesday morning I received a text from a friend that they were looking for help with Feed My Starving Children that night, so I gladly volunteered. Happy hour(s) then followed after it was a fun, but tiring, night, as well.

Ava and I spent Thursday night at IKEA, eating dinner there, and wandering around the store. I was on a mission to buy a new duvet cover for our room, as the sunlight had faded our gray pattern to a weird light purple one. We found a bunch of random new items, including a wood train track for G - he loves it because he can put it together on his own! And, Ava got some great ideas for how she'd like to decorate her room once it's all painted and rearranged. It was a fun evening!

On Friday night, I met up with a family so they could buy some of the matchbox/hot wheels cars that we purged from G's collection (we gave G the income for his piggy bank so he can see there's an incentive for getting rid of things.) And then I went over to a friend/neighbor's house for a ladies HH, which then turned into a pool adventure with their kids (not mine, though...Ava didn't want to come, and G was too little to play with the older boys at the pool.) It was great catching up, but by that point, I was exhausted from the long week.

So, what did we do on Saturday? Scott worked all day in the hot sun, and we continued to clean and purge the house of excess items. One of Ava's friends had invited us to a family BBQ, so I took G and Ava there, and chatted with some people, while the kids ran around. Once Scott got done working, G and I left Ava there (she was invited to stay longer) and then met up with Scott for dinner. Scott then took G home and I spent a leisurely 20 minutes walking around Old Navy looking for clothes. It was fabulous! (And I managed to snag some great deals, and some more grown-up earrings for Ava...she hasn't changed them out since she got her first batch of earrings at the young age of 4. Time to grow her accessory options a bit...)

The strawberries are finally coming in...yum!

Ava had a little bit too much fun with her makeup. G thought it was so funny that she drew a face on her nose.

What a gorgeous sunset last night!

That leads us to today...I wish it would be a relaxing Sunday, but we've got a million things to do around the house. I'm excited to get the Mister out for the kids later today so they can cool off for a bit. Hopefully we can find a little bit of downtime, so we're not starting the week off already pooped!


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