On Thursday of this past week, G told me that he wished it wasn't Thursday. I had to remind him that Thursday is 4 times better than Monday. Apparently he wanted it to be Friday (who doesn't, kid?) As I've gotten older, and saw my free time funneling to my job, I came to love my weekends. With this job change, I definitely still love my weekends, but I don't dread Mondays like I used to. I've had a bunch of ex-coworkers/friends recently give their notice at their jobs, so we've been celebrating their new beginnings, and reliving past memories of our times together at the place where we all met. And those who have already started in their new positions agree that change is a fantastic thing, and "why did they wait so long?!?" Fear is a great motivator to stay rooted in one place. The last few months have been filled with reflections on my career, and the changes I'd like to see for the future. What else is changing? The kids, that's who! G i...
"Siblings...like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."