This is such a fun time of year to live where we do! We have 10 fun days to enjoy Leprechaun Days...our town has a strong Irish background, hence the reference to Leprechauns. There are so many fun activities planned, and we only partake in a few of them...but we look forward to them all year! On Thursday night, I headed to Central Park with my friend Tina, and we enjoyed a chilly evening in the beer garden, while listening to GB Leighton (one of the bands we have seen many, many times when we used to go out more!) It was so nice to enjoy the beer garden without the kids, because I knew the next night would be family time, and kids aren't allowed in the beer garden! Scott, Ava, and I picked up G from daycare on Friday night and walked over to the carnival (aka Midsummer Faire) and Ava and G had a blast playing games, riding on rides, jumping in the bouncy houses, and eating healthy snacks. Wait, what? That part's not correct. It was all junk food, all night long. Ha. ...
" branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."