What a good summer week, full of plenty of outdoor time, treats, and activities. Both kids have had busy weeks reaching some pretty impressive goals.
Just like the last several summers, Ava is taking swim lessons through the Y. Last year she tested to move up from a red to a yellow, which means she could go into the deeper waters. This past week I asked her if she was thinking about testing to be a green, and she immediately said no. Imagine my surprise when I got a call from her THAT night (I was at work late) and she excitedly told me that she passed the green test! Ava explained everything that she needed to do to pass into the green group (treading water, front float, etc.,) and I asked her what changed her mind to test for the green. She sheepishly smiled and said that she had forgotten she told me she wasn't going to test for it, and did it anyway. We're so proud of her!
Her baton twirling class is also going well...it's been fun watching her learn new tricks, and I think it's helping with her coordination...at least a little bit.
G has also had a big week. He moved into the 4-year old room this past Monday at daycare. New room, new cubby, new friends! He has been so happy to be reunited with his friends that had moved on before he did. Plus, his new teacher is the nice woman who always manages his breakfast related tantrums that we face every day when I drop him off. So, he has had lots of experience with her in the last year. He gets to go on a field trip this week...they're going to the MN Zoo, and will check out the splash pad there, too. He's so excited! He's only been on one field trip before...they went to the apple orchard this past fall.
Even more exciting is the potty training! His new teacher said no more diapers...bring in some underwear and shorts. So, this past week, we've (really HE, I'm pretty well trained at this point) been peeing a lot in the potty. I spent the day with him yesterday, and he only had two accidents. He announces when he has to go, and he's so excited to go to the potty and do his thing. He's still wearing diapers for naps and overnights, of course, but it feels like we're finally getting somewhere with this milestone.
I'm heading to Indy for an overnight trip this week. Should be interesting... I'm already looking forward to the end of this week! Scott worked for 12 hours yesterday, so he's hoping for a quiet day around the house. Not sure how quiet it will be, but at least he'll be at home!
We went to the library yesterday so the kids could pick up their prizes for the summer reading program. In the first pic, G's Puppy is the star of the show...in the second one, they used puppets to put on a display.
Just like the last several summers, Ava is taking swim lessons through the Y. Last year she tested to move up from a red to a yellow, which means she could go into the deeper waters. This past week I asked her if she was thinking about testing to be a green, and she immediately said no. Imagine my surprise when I got a call from her THAT night (I was at work late) and she excitedly told me that she passed the green test! Ava explained everything that she needed to do to pass into the green group (treading water, front float, etc.,) and I asked her what changed her mind to test for the green. She sheepishly smiled and said that she had forgotten she told me she wasn't going to test for it, and did it anyway. We're so proud of her!
Her baton twirling class is also going well...it's been fun watching her learn new tricks, and I think it's helping with her coordination...at least a little bit.
G has also had a big week. He moved into the 4-year old room this past Monday at daycare. New room, new cubby, new friends! He has been so happy to be reunited with his friends that had moved on before he did. Plus, his new teacher is the nice woman who always manages his breakfast related tantrums that we face every day when I drop him off. So, he has had lots of experience with her in the last year. He gets to go on a field trip this week...they're going to the MN Zoo, and will check out the splash pad there, too. He's so excited! He's only been on one field trip before...they went to the apple orchard this past fall.
Even more exciting is the potty training! His new teacher said no more diapers...bring in some underwear and shorts. So, this past week, we've (really HE, I'm pretty well trained at this point) been peeing a lot in the potty. I spent the day with him yesterday, and he only had two accidents. He announces when he has to go, and he's so excited to go to the potty and do his thing. He's still wearing diapers for naps and overnights, of course, but it feels like we're finally getting somewhere with this milestone.
I'm heading to Indy for an overnight trip this week. Should be interesting... I'm already looking forward to the end of this week! Scott worked for 12 hours yesterday, so he's hoping for a quiet day around the house. Not sure how quiet it will be, but at least he'll be at home!
Our blueberry plants from our neighbors have produced some fruit!
This lovely strawberry, so close to being ready to eat, was gone the next day...some lucky bird enjoyed it!
He looked like such a little man sitting here...apparently guys learn at a young age to sit with their legs like this. On the other hand (foot?,) I do recall Ava, at a young age, sitting with her legs crossed, just like a little lady...
Such a pretty sunset...pics never do it justice
We went to an ice cream shop in Farmington after dinner on Friday night. G is enjoying the Superman ice cream.
Ava got some chocolate, Oreo, marshmallow goodness! And, a chocolate mustache.
We went to the library yesterday so the kids could pick up their prizes for the summer reading program. In the first pic, G's Puppy is the star of the show...in the second one, they used puppets to put on a display.