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Showing posts from December, 2014

Christmas in Colorado!

We had a wonderful Christmas in Colorado this year!  Both kids traveled fairly well...Ava talked non-stop both ways, and G slept on the outbound flight (I sat next to him) but he was a little restless on the return flight home (Scott sat next to him.)  I'm just really glad the flight is just under two hours; I'm used to traveling alone where I can catch a nap while in-flight, but not with these two kiddos!  Our outbound flight was a little delayed, but G entertained the gate area with his cute shenanigans (a random man picked him up and sat him on his lap - made me a bit nervous, but Scott was right next to him the whole time) and Ava made a new friend who she could play "Monster High" dolls with.  Couldn't have asked for a better situation in a delay!  One woman actually made a comment to Scott and me about how wonderful it is to see such loving parents with their children.  I'm going to tuck that comment away, and pull it out whenever I'm feeling a bit f...

Secret Santa

One of the many fun things about this season is that my team does a Secret Santa for those people who want to participate.  It's a fun, easy thing to do, and is a definite day brightener!  My Secret Santa did awesome this year...I was having a very rough day on Wednesday, and when I came back from a client meeting, I had 3 bottles of booze and a box of my favorite crackers waiting for me!  At that point, I knew it had to be someone who sits by me, as another coworker and I also talk about how we just can't get enough of these crackers. She (yes, now I know who it is) really did well...Christmas decor, chocolate, candles, liquor and crackers, and then on Friday, she had put together a mini garden for me in a glass bowl.  These are a few of my favorite things!  Turns out my SS was a developer who sits right across the wall from me...she hears my rough days, she hears my good/bad conversations, and she definitely hears me crunching on crackers throughout t...

Gingy's New Home

Another super, crazy busy week is in the books, but we were able to end it with some holiday fun.  All of the 1st grade classes at Ava's school invited the parents to join them in making gingerbread houses on Friday afternoon.  It was a GREAT excuse to leave work early (no worries, I got in way more than 40 hours of work this week,) and spend some one-on-one time with Ava doing something fun and different. Most of the parents took the kids home once the gingerbread house building was done, but I had another plan...and I stuck to it.  I felt a tiny little bit bad about leaving Ava at school, but there were other kids there until the end of the day, so she had fun playing with them, and meeting new people. She used the cone to catch the didn't end up being a tree like it was supposed to be! Our finished project...not sure it really looks like a house, but we had fun, and that's all that matters! So what did I do with that free time?  Well, I...