Scott's family lost a very special woman this past Monday. Adeline, Scott's grandma, passed away peacefully in the early afternoon. Her passing was so quick that her family wasn't present during that moment, but very soon after, they were able to be by her side.
It's been a rough week...the wake was on Thursday evening, and the funeral was on Friday morning. There have been a lot of tears, lost sleep, and many questions from Ava. She knows that Great-Grandma is now with Grandpa Bruce and Spanky, and all of the other family and friends that went before her. Ava understands that she won't be able to see or talk to her, in person, again, but she knows that she's still with us, at all times.
When sad events like this happen, it's always interesting to see how life alters a bit. It makes one think a little bit more about the brevity of human life, and how we should celebrate each moment that we are alive. On the other hand, it's also a practical reminder that we need to have our personal affairs in order, so the ones who are left behind know exactly what needs to be done.
It's been a rough week...the wake was on Thursday evening, and the funeral was on Friday morning. There have been a lot of tears, lost sleep, and many questions from Ava. She knows that Great-Grandma is now with Grandpa Bruce and Spanky, and all of the other family and friends that went before her. Ava understands that she won't be able to see or talk to her, in person, again, but she knows that she's still with us, at all times.
When sad events like this happen, it's always interesting to see how life alters a bit. It makes one think a little bit more about the brevity of human life, and how we should celebrate each moment that we are alive. On the other hand, it's also a practical reminder that we need to have our personal affairs in order, so the ones who are left behind know exactly what needs to be done.
Adeline and Ava - July 2008
Adeline and Ava - January 2010
Adeline and Ava - October 2010
Adeline, Tatiana, Jenna, Ava and "Chubs" - November 2011
Josh, Adeline, Jenna, Ava, "Chubs", Calleigh and Tatiana - December 2012
Adeline and Ava - June 2013
Scott, Dee, Ava, Adeline and G - December 2013
Adeline was the last living grandparent for our little family...I'm grateful that Ava was able to meet my Grandma Elsie (although she passed when Ava was too young to remember her), and I'm extremely grateful that Ava was able to build a relationship with Adeline...without a doubt, she will always remember her!
The pastor made an interesting comment at the service..."Where Adeline is one is planning funerals." There is no pain or human anguish...just light and love!
Rest in peace, Adeline - we love you and miss you!