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The Bob Song

"Momma, I want to listen to the Bob Song."  These are words I have heard frequently over the last few years.  And it made me start thinking about how the things that we learn (incorrectly) in our childhood will "haunt" us for years into the future.  For example, the Bob Song.  Let me explain...

There's a house in California that does an amazing Halloween light show, set to popular music, each year.  In 2011, the song of the season was Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO (watch it here.)  Ava and I were watching the light show on my iPad one night, and she started asking questions about the four jack o'lantern faces that were the primary focus in the light show.  We named each one (Nancy, Bob, ummm, something, and something else...I don't really remember.  Jack, maybe?) and had a little backstory about them.  I think Nancy was a nurse or something like that.  In any case, Ava LOVED watching the video, and from that point forward, this song has been known as the Bob Song (in honor of one of the faces in the video.)

On Friday, Ava requested to listen to the Bob Song while I was driving her to school.  I had a little flash forward to the future, when Ava and her friends are talking about this song from their childhood, and everyone else refers to it as Party Rock Anthem.  And Ava calls in the Bob Song.  Cute as a 5-year old, potentially awkward as a 16-year old.  So, while it seems silly to always correct Ava when she misspeaks, or totally mispronounces something, in the long run, I think it's for the best.   Personally, I still struggle with the London Bridge it "London Bridge is falling down..." or is it "London Bridges falling down..."  For the longest time, I thought it was the 2nd one.  Turns out that in fact, it's only one bridge that's taking a tumble!  Quite a thing to relearn when you're in your late 20's... 

And there's my pointless story of the week!

I had a fantastic time last week in Florida with my friend Emilie.  For several days, we stayed in a hotel right on the beach in Daytona, and then spent a day/night in Orlando.  We were going to go to Universal in Orlando, but we were having such a good time just chilling out, that instead, we hung out by the pool in Orlando and enjoyed some more sunshine and warmth.  I flew home on Sunday, just in time to spend Mother's Day with my two amazing kids.

What a great view from our balcony in Daytona Beach!

G and I spent all of Monday together (no daycare), and then Tuesday, I had the entire day to myself, while Scott was at work, and Ava and G were at school and daycare.  I got so much stuff done - it was great!  And then I spent the next three days at work, not getting caught up, and wishing that somehow I could hang out on a beach while working every day.  Or, maybe just hang out on the beach...without the working part...!

Ava had a great week with five green days...way to go, kid!  She's also reading more and more, which is so fun to see.  Instead of having one of us read to her each night, she snuggles up with a book before bed, and reads to herself.  That is a REALLY big change for's weird to kiss her goodnight, and not always read a story to her.  I checked in on her last night, and she was hard at work, reading Sleeping Beauty.

This past week, I signed Ava up for her two summer activities...swimming lessons, and baton twirling.  The last one makes me cringe, as I'm pretty sure we're going to end up with some injuries.  Or some laughs.  Maybe both?  As long as we don't set the ends of the baton on fire, I think we'll be ok...

Garrett's had a bit of a cold this past week, so when we took him in for his 6-month appointment this past Thursday, we opted not to give him his shots.  So, we'll need to haul him back to the doctor's office some time this week.  Fun, fun!  He's growing well, and he is so, so strong!  He's not crawling yet, but he's so close when he's on all fours.  When you sit him upright, he wobbles a bit, and then falls over.  But, when you stand him on his legs and hold on to his hands, he is solid when he stands there.  He's even taking a few steps, with help.  It's hard to believe he's over six months old.  Where does that time go?

Slightly red hair??

We've got a super busy weekend...lots of work, an Origami Owl party for Ava, G and me, and a lunch and massage for me with a good friend.  We even had an impromptu bonfire/s'mores party last night with a few of the neighbors - lots of fun! These days are just flyin'!


Megan said…
What?? I have been misled for 30 years about the London bridge?? I've never even thought about it. But yes, charlie is in a stage where he's trying to use a wide variety of feelings & emotions to describe things and often times they make no sense. Like "Levi will be so brave of we get him this" or "I'm so alive when I eat waffles" haha but my favorite is him using the term little butt, yeah we will let dad take care of that one...

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