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Showing posts from April, 2014

Fantastic Family Fun

What a beautiful Easter day!  In the morning we had fun coloring eggs, running an egg hunt throughout the house, and then discovering what the Easter Bunny left for Ava and G.  Later that day, we celebrated a low-key, relaxed dinner with Scott's mom's side of the family.  The weather was perfect (we spent all afternoon outside on the deck), the food was very good, and the company was easy-going.  It was the perfect way to wrap up a holiday weekend, and lead birthday week! :)     Scott's cousin, Ashley, playing with G Ava ran everyone much energy! A great pic of Grandma Deb and G! I cannot believe how busy this past week was.  There was an incredible amount of things going on at many meetings, so much work, and definitely not enough time to get it all done.  I asked one of my co-workers on Thursday night, as I was packing up, "Is it bad if I'm leaving and I have no idea what's in m...

A Different Point of View

This week, I have a guest blogger.  He's got quite a bit to say, so I thought I'd let him take control for one post.  Say hello to my little friend... Hi!  My name is Garrett, but you can call me G.  I'm going to be the big six-months in 9 days...and Mommy is finally letting me bang on this keyboard for a bit!  It's been a fun week...I keep trying to sleep on my belly,  but everyone keeps flipping me over to my back.  After a while, I give up, and just pop my thumb in my mouth, and go to sleep.  No biggie. I love all of the attention I get when I am at daycare...Sheila's oldest son always comes right over to me when he gets home from school, and works with me to get me to sit up on my own.  Mommy tried too, the other day, but I just keep falling over on my face.  Oh well. Mommy and Daddy keep talking about trying to feed me something called peas or green beans.  I guess I'll have to wait a few weeks to see which one they decid...

Advice to Our Children

It's interesting week.  Full of work, activities, school, daycare, etc...all good, and very busy, of course.  So, I wanted to take a bit of a different angle this week, and gather some words of advice for our two children... To Ava: I hope that you grow to be a strong woman (since you're such a strong-willed girl, I don't think it's a far stretch that you will be a woman of strength.)  I pray that you stay true to your beliefs, and never let anyone mistreat you, or devalue your worth.  No matter who you may befriend, fall in love with, or work for, always be true to yourself.  Never be ashamed to make a change if you realize that you aren't being treated as you should.  I believe that if someone isn't giving you the respect that you deserve, you will have the strength to put your foot down, draw a line, or make a decision.  Respect yourself enough to remove those people who don't hold that same level of respect for you.  You are one of...


We had some unexpected time off of work this week...our daycare provider's 7-year old son got RSV, and that's really, REALLY bad news for little ones under the age of one.  To help protect our little guy, Scott ended up taking Thursday off of work, and I stayed home with G on Friday.  It's getting easier and easier NOT to check my work email when I have a day off.  I worked some really long days leading up to Friday, so I was happy to take a break at the end of this week.  Plus, it was an awesome bonus to get to spend another weekday with my little man!  And, I even had a chance to make a white chili for Friday's dinner - I've had this recipe for a while, and the snowy Friday at home was a wonderful opportunity to try it out.  We all was yummy! Honestly, this week was a blur...we had great weather last Sunday, and then ended with a gross snowstorm on Thursday night.  At least the ground is warm enough that snow doesn't stick around li...