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We Go to Fargo!

August has been such a busy's not surprising that the time has flown by so quickly, but at the same time, I can't believe it's almost September!  I'm catching up a bit on pics from this past month...

The first trip Ava and I took was a journey up to Fargo.  We rode up with my friend Emilie, and visited her roommate from college, Sheri.  Sheri also had her 5-year old niece, Piper, for a portion of the weekend, so we were hoping the two little girls would have lots to talk about.  But, not so much...for as outgoing and chatty as Ava is, Piper was the exact opposite.  Ava worked pretty hard each day at getting Piper to talk to her.  By both evenings, she was successful, and then the two little girls giggled and whispered non-stop. It was pretty cute to watch, once they got going!

Hitting the road!

Ava's second mom on the trip :)

Ava and Piper, slowly getting to know each other

Davies Pool is AWESOME, and the perfect place to spend a sunny Saturday in Fargo!

Enjoying the great weather with dinner outside

One last trip to the playground before the long drive back to the Cities

Sheri was very sweet and rode down the slide with Ava

This was too funny to watch...

The five girls!

And..the adult ones!

If looks could, girls!

Exhausted on the ride home (and no, I didn't let her stay sleeping like that!)

In addition to the trip to Fargo, we've been living our summer life, too.  Here are a few random pics from the last few weeks.

She's so sweet (and not sassy) when she's sleeping!

Pirate Day at Maple Tree!

Hats & Shades Day at Maple Tree

Wacky Hair Day (the next morning, her hair was nice and wavy!)
Princess Day at Maple Tree

And...her last day at Maple Tree. :(  Pre-school and summer camp are officially done for Miss Ava.  Next stop...Kindergarten!

Miss Julia and Ava

Oh, we also fit in a wedding at a beautiful golf course in Prior Lake

And, today I went to the State Fair with Em. Those would be deep fried green olives on a stick...!  It was HOT there, but we took many breaks, drank lots of water, and took it easy (at one point I said that it felt like everything was moving in slow motion due to the heat.)  Scott and I will be going back there at some point in the next week...I didn't get all my regular foods consumed, so I'm glad to have a second chance to eat more this year!

We also drove to Rosemount to check on the house...the windows are in, the roof is shingled, and we even have some plumbing in place.  Never mind that broken window in the 2nd floor - it will be replaced!

Ava's room - and you can see the bathtub has been installed in the far left background.  Yeah!

We found out that the rental we are in is scheduled to go into foreclosure in early October (Scott got the paperwork from the sheriff this past week.)  At the same time, we also found out that the house has sold, and the closing date will be in earlier, still not sure what all this means for us, but I'm hopeful that we'll be able to continue through our lease end, and extend by a month, if needed.  Just ready for this part of the process to be done...!
As for me and Baby Boy...I didn't pass the short gestational diabetes test last week, so I get to go in for the extended version this week.  I'm on a high starch/high sugar diet for the next three days before the test.  Yum, but least the State Fair was a great place to go for that!  I was on the low end of "failing" so they don't see any issues with me passing this next version of the test.  My hemoglobin levels are great, so at least I passed that! 
One of my friends sent me a box of baby boy clothes (she has two older boys) and as I was going through all of the tiny little clothes, it struck me how odd it was to be surrounded by green/blue/brown outfits, instead of the pink and purple that I'm so used to with Ava's clothing.  I'm excited to meet this little guy, and see how he adds to the dynamic of this family!
Next week: Duluth pics! :)


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