This weekend, I went to a wedding in northern WI with my friend Tiffany. This means that Scott had his first overnight alone with Ava! I have to admit, I was little nervous, but he's such a good dad, that I didn't really think there would be any problems (and there weren't.) It gave them a chance for some really good Daddy/daughter bonding time.
But, it was pretty great to come home today and see Ava's smiling face and get a huge hug from her. I bought her the cutest little purple cat (yes, a cat - we have a million puppy stuffed animals, so I thought I would mix it up a bit), and she's been carrying Roller (that's his name) around with her all day. Last I saw, she was holding onto him in her crib as she was falling asleep. :)
I didn't bring my camera out for the wedding, but I couldn't resist taking a few shots at the hotel this morning. What a great view of the bay (feeds into Lake Superior)!
Have a good week!