What's this I see? Is it grass peeking out from underneath the snow? In case you haven't been keeping track, MN is in the midst of one of the snowiest winters on record. I'm not sure what number we're up to now, but the last time I watched the news, we were at #8, with only a few more inches of snow needed to bump us up several spots on the list. But, never fear, the sunshine is here! A good percentage of our front yard has lost its snow melt due to the warmer, sunny days this past week. Pria doesn't know where to go or what to sniff each time she heads outside! It's refreshing to think about the walks we'll be able to take now that the ice has melted off of most of the sidewalks (those north facing lots just don't get the warmth needed to get rid of those pile fast!) We just wrapped up the last week of school for both kids before spring break. We are not going anywhere on vacation, but I did take next Friday off to spend the day with the kids (not sure ...
"Siblings...like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."