As much as I love shorter work weeks, it sure is hard to get everything done that we need to. My three days at work this week were a whirlwind of trying to transition more projects to my co-workers. I have two more projects to transition, and just two more business days at BIW! I'm fairly certain that my last day there will be unproductive, so I really only have one more business day to wrap up everything - yikes! My first day at my new job is December 5, so after I walk out of the BIW doors on Tuesday, November 27, I will be headed to my going-away happy hour, and then I have five business days to decompress before my new adventure begins! In addition to the work chaos, we also hosted Thanksgiving. My parents and my friend Emilie joined us for a fun afternoon/evening filled with food and laughter. A few years ago, we discovered how much easier it was to source the entire meal from Lunds & Byerlys, and all we need to do is heat it up - and they even give a helpful grid so you...
" branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."