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Showing posts from October, 2018

Sickness, Sunshine, and Snakes

Well, Ava and I are still sick. I think we're both getting better, but it's very slow going. Ava still has a cough, and I am still congested. I had a bit of a scare earlier this week...with the move into the autumn season, the air is drying up. Add that to the constant nose blowing to clear out the gunk, and it's prime time for nosebleeds. And if you're prone to them, like I am, it's a thousand times worse. I had a horrible nosebleed on my way home from work on bled for 20 minutes and I wasn't sure it was going to stop. I sat in a parking lot until it subsided, as I couldn't drive. Later that evening, after everyone else was in bed, I had at least additional five nosebleeds. I've dealt with this my entire life, but this was the first time that I was concerned. I was feeling a bit light headed at the end of the night, and ended up sleeping upright. I purchased a "schnozzle" like the kids have (saline mister for the nose) and that h...

Slobby Joes

It’s snowing! The curtains are open as I’m snuggled into my warm bed, typing this post. A flurry caught my eye, and I stopped what I was doing to enjoy the first flakes of the year. It’s a hard time of year with the impending cold temps...getting ready for the chaos of the holidays, confirming that all kids are prepared with new winter wear, and dealing with illnesses that rear their ugly heads once school is back in session. But, we still try to make time for fun! We enjoyed a dinner out at a local pizzeria/bar with face that G's sock monkey matches his shirt! I took the kids to the city library one was empty, which means they had free reign of the toy area! I took last week off of blog posting, as I had little energy to spare. That led into a very busy workweek, where I had far too much to do in a short amount of time, plus, my sleeping patterns were off. Added into the mixed was the fact that Ava picked up a cold, so there was cons...