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Showing posts from September, 2016

My Own "Man of Steel"

We've quickly settled back into a normal, school, homework, seeing friends and family, etc.  This week had some high moments though:  Ava and I went in for our annual eye exams, and she might need to get glasses.  She is SO excited about it...she already has her frames picked out.  I say "might" because the doctor wasn't emphatic about her needing them; he said they might help when she's reading, or looking at the boards in school.  So...we'll see.  Maybe I'll wait for a special where if both she and I can purchases new lenses, there's a price break.  Also, I went it to get my hair cut on Tuesday night...usually I'm pretty neutral on what we do with it, but this time, I had a plan!  My amazing stylist and I had a chat about short hair, and how it would work for me.  My biggest concern is that I'll look like a boy with short hair.  We ended up doing a super short bob, and I love it!  When I walked in on Tuesday night...

Ren Fest 2016

Hunting season is right around the corner...'tis the time of year where the kids and I get to spend A LOT of quality time together!  Scott headed up north early Friday afternoon, so I needed to be home to meet Ava when she got off of the school bus that day (got to the house the same time she did!)  And I loved seeing little G's excitement when he realized that I was picking him up.  Plus, I had an extra benefit of missing all of the rush hour traffic, and then was able to shut down my work laptop at 5:30pm for a clean stop.  We had a great dinner of buttered noodles on Friday night, followed up with a bath in the "big bathtub" (the tub in our bathroom.)  Once G started talking about pooping in the tub, Ava ordered him out, and bath time was officially over (note: he did NOT actually poop in the tub.)  We then enjoyed a kids movie on Netflix, and flavored up some popcorn with caramel, ranch, and buffalo spices (separately, of course!)  And everyone ...

School is Cool

It's official, we have a 3rd grader!  Tuesday was Ava's first day back at school, and it was a good one.  Her teacher seems to be very organized, responsive, and great with the kids...perfect!  Even better, she no longer has snack time at school.  I know this seems like a small thing, but for the last three years I had to remember to pack a snack for school every single day...and some days, my memory failed me.  But, it's confirmed, snack is a thing of the past! (Welcome to the real world, sweetie...) She still wants to be a baker...I need to find a kid's baking class for her! I picked up a few sweet treats to celebrate the special day back. (If she was a professional baker, she could have made these instead!) And some flowers for my girl G starts soccer this week at daycare, so I'm super excited to hear how that goes.  Since it happens during the day, I won't be able to watch on a regular basis, but I do think that we can come to watch ...

The Countdown

It's official...the summer is over. Ava completed her last week of Summer Power (this week, they went to the Crayola Experience at the MOA, and also took a boat ride down the Mississippi...awesome!) to celebrate their final week. She made a new friend that goes to another school, and she remembered to get her phone number.  I know that doesn't sounds like a big deal, but after worrying for years that she didn't have any good friends, I'm finally able to begin putting that concern to rest. (She does have many friends, I think I was just paranoid.) We also dropped off her school supplies at the open house this past week. We were able to see her classroom, where she sits, and who the other kids are in her class. She was SO excited when she saw her friend/neighbor Cece is in the class with her. I think third grade is going to be a fantastic year! G also had a change in teachers this past week...and with the change comes different organization in the classroom. My little...