This is it - things are going to start happening this week! 1. Baby G: At my last check on Wednesday, I was still dilated to 1cm. However, at my appointment this coming Wednesday, we are going to talk about possibly inducing at 39 weeks (which would be November 2.) My doctor is on call that weekend, so it means that she would be the one delivering Baby G, which would be nice! Baby G is still doing great - his head is still nice and low, heartbeat is strong, and my numbers are very good. I, however, am exhausted. I had this past Friday off of work, and Ava was at Grandma Deb and Grandpa Whitey's after breakfast on Saturday morning, so I've had almost two solid days of Dee time (Scott was working.) Unlike last weekend, I was not productive this weekend...and did a whole bunch of laying around, napping, and minor housework things. And I think that's ok. It won't be long before we go back to sleepless getting this extra re...
" branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."