I often feel that our lives (and our office) is overrun with paper. It can become overwhelming, as things get misplaced, notifications go unread, etc. This past week I took both Monday and Friday off of work, and got that paper monster under control! The biggest pile to go through and determine what to discard was Ava's preschool craft projects. She's brought home so many cute crafts over the last several months, and it breaks my heart to throw them away, but if I don't choose my favorites and discard the rest, we'd be up to our eyeballs in glitter, construction paper and paint. For now, it's under control and the office is on its way to being neat and tidy again! In addition to the fun crafts that Ava is bringing home, we're also beginning to see some homework. I am very grateful that we're not dealing with the super heavy-duty homework yet...I'm beginning to have flashbacks of the hours of calculus (not sure why I'm fixated on that - after ...
"Siblings...like branches on a tree we grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."