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Showing posts from September, 2012

Three Down, One to Go!

This has been the season for weddings...after years of maybe having one wedding every few years, we hit another wedding spurt this year. From the end of August through late November, we have four weddings to attend.  We just wrapped up #3 last night, and had a blast!  This wedding was for Scott's best friend's (Dan) cousin, Jake. Scott has known this family since he was 14, and started hunting with all of Dan's family.  They are hilarious, fun, and really know how to throw a good party! Planning an outdoor wedding for late September in Minnesota is could be boiling hot, or snowing, or...absolutely perfect like it was yesterday. The weather was GORGEOUS.  And the setting was beautiful - it took place in an outdoor garden, which had beautiful flowers and water features.  And I even saw a hummingbird there at the rehearsal on Thursday evening!  I'm not sure why that thrills me so much, but it really does!  So, everything was absolutely p...

Autumn has Arrived!

When I think about everything we did this past week, I get tired....really, really tired. And then I realize that there was an official change of seasons, and I'm actually happy that it's going to start getting darker earlier - maybe that means we'll all get more sleep! So, what did we do?  Well, let me tell you! Tuesday : My fabulous Aunt Stephanie from NYC was in town for business, so the three of us picked her up and went out to a dinner at Lucky 13.  Ava wholeheartedly approves of Steph, and is anxiously awaiting for her trip to Manhattan when she's just a wee bit older! Wednesday : Scott, Ava and I headed over to my bff's house, and had a very nice dinner/evening with Angie, Chad (boyfriend), and Brady (Chad's son.)  Ava and Brady hit it off quite well - they had a great time making their pizza together! Thursday : Ava had quite the morning, where she puked all over the bathroom at 5:30a.m.  Surprise!  Guess who didn't go to pre-school!  Seriousl...

Well, That Didn't Take Long

Ava runs warm.  When she was teething as a baby, it wasn't unexpected for her to run a temp of 103.  She has a cold?  It might shoot up to 105.  Besides getting the common cold/virus, she's only truly been sick once, with tonsillitis.  Not bad for a 4 year old.  What's my point, you ask?  A fever is one sure fire way for her to be sent home from daycare/preschool - it's just how her body fights being sick.  At least once a month, we're picking her up during the day.  She is sick for a few hours, her fever breaks, and she's back to being healthy.  It's weird.  ANYWAY!  Guess what happened this past week?  That's right...the ol' fever came, so she was out on Wednesday and Thursday, and she went back to pre-k on Friday.  But I got "the call" by 10am on Friday, so I had to leave work to pick her up.  I'm actually pretty sad for her, as the pre-k kids were going to walk to DQ for a special treat ...

Where did THAT month go?

Wow, I didn't realize it had been almost a month since I posted anything new.  We've been...busy.  A few vacation days, weddings, lots of trips out of town, unGodly amount of hours spent working, showings, playing, changes, etc.  So, let's get started, shall we? Grandma Deb and Grandpa Whitey have a new car. Not a new-new car, but an old-new car.  Like a collector's car.  It's pretty cool!  And teal!  And Ava gets to go to car shows with them...she's been to several over the past few months, and each time, she comes home with new little toys and tales of what she did.  I love it when they have face painting there...nothing fancy, but just something cute for her to wear all day! And then I try to take a pic of it, and she doesn't really cooperate.  A nice, normal smile would be appreciated at times.  More on that later... I've made the decision to get LASIK done - I'm tired of contacts and glasses, and the expenses that...