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Showing posts from March, 2012


Our daycare provider's daughter is a whiz with hair.  I'm not sure if it's because she is a dancer, and always had to have cute hairstyles for the performances, or if she's just naturally good at doing hair...  In any case, I am not.  That's why I have short hair.  If it was any longer, it would be in a ponytail 99% of the time! So, imagine how happy and surprised I was when Ava came home with this cute 'do!  I had to take a picture because I'm pretty sure I could never re-create it.  But if I wanted to, at least I'll have a guide! We have been very, very busy getting the house ready to put on the market.  This week we went and picked up samples for the basement bathroom.  Once that's in, I can do a few things to spruce up that room...and that's the last big project!  Our goal is to have it on the market in the next month.  We still need to declutter and clean, and boy, I am NOT looking forward to that.  I'm almost to the poi...

One Word: SPRING!

What a strange, strange winter we had for Minnesota...barely any snow until March, and then just a few days, later, it's been in the 80's!  However, I am not complaining, nor will I ever complain, about warm weather in MN.  We suffer through so many cold, long, dark days, that the early arrival of spring and bright sunshine is happily welcomed in my life! Along with spring comes a few fresh things: flowers, thawing dog pooh, and sparkly new shoes!  I bought some lovely tulips a while back, and this past week, picked up some sunny dafodills through my work...the smell of the fresh-cut flowers is wonderful, and the lovely blooms brighten up the kitchen. The dog pooh isn't nearly as fun, but as pet owner, this time of year seems to be about cleaning up the winter mess, and getting the yard ready to play in.  Scott did a great job this weekend, and he even mowed the lawn today!  I couldn't believe it when I saw green blades of grass poking through the dry re...

Finally...a Snowman!

For the first time this winter, we've had a few consectutive days of snowy, cold weather.  Pretty ironic since spring starts in just a few weeks.  BUT, we'll take it - as long as it doesn't stay around too long! The other night, I worked late, but look at what greeted me in the front yard when I came home!  Ava wasn't out there, but look at this funny guy!  I'm not really sure if it's a man...or a bear...or what it is.  But, I do know that Ava had a great time with Scott, building him (it?)  And that's all that matters!  Last night my friend Emilie came over, and out of the blue, she asked Ava, "Hey, who's that in your front yard?"  I had a moment of panic before I realized she was asking about the snowman...and not a random man in the front yard.  Doubly scary since just 2 hours earlier, I heard a man's voice on our front porch, and the doorbell never rang.  Turns out the mailman was chatting on his cell, but it freaked me ...