Ava had her first encounter with Play Doh today. I happened to be in the Play Doh section at Target today, picking up a gift for Isabel (shhhh, don't tell, Tiff!) and I thought it would be fun to bring some home for Ava.
Mostly I was concerned that she was going to try to eat it. Sure enough, she tried to pop a couple of purple chunks into her mouth, but I was able to stop her in time. I triple checked the package to make sure it's non-toxic, just in case!
She wasn't quite sure what to do with it since she couldn't eat it, but after a while, she got the hang of it. Mostly, she just squished in with her forefinger, but it's a start! I think next time we'll do a little project at her table so she has more room to "work"...
Mostly I was concerned that she was going to try to eat it. Sure enough, she tried to pop a couple of purple chunks into her mouth, but I was able to stop her in time. I triple checked the package to make sure it's non-toxic, just in case!
She wasn't quite sure what to do with it since she couldn't eat it, but after a while, she got the hang of it. Mostly, she just squished in with her forefinger, but it's a start! I think next time we'll do a little project at her table so she has more room to "work"...
We were very happy to see Daddy this afternoon - he started the hunting season up north, so it was a girl's weekend in the Goers' household. Last night Ava spent several hours with Grandma Deb and Grandpa Whitey, while I went to spa event with my friend Lisa. Definitely a nice and relaxing night!
I also sorted and packed away all of Ava's clothes that don't fit - I cannot believe how many clothes she has. She's starting to wear 18-month pieces, so it's fun to have a whole new wardrobe to dress her in for daycare. I can't wait to put her in new sweaters, jeans, and jackets. And her U of M sweatshirt - we can't forget that! :)